Reviewing your analytics can give you a better understanding of your audience's behavior. The results in your analytics can also determine what approach and adjustments you need to do on your next event. With Networking Analytics, you'll know how many matches, meetings, and connections your attendees made through the networking session.
Networking Analytics
Go to Analytics
Select Networking
In the Networking Analytics Page, you'll find 5 boxes on top:
Total Connections Made
Average Connections Per Attendee
Total Messages Sent
Total Meetings
Total Matches
Note: Total Messages Sent feature is still in progress so a Coming Soon message is seen
There are 2 tabs under the Networking Analytics Page, Networking Sessions, and Connections.
Networking Sessions Tab
Networking - networking sessions names
Members - total number of attendees that participated in the session
Matches - total number of matches that happened in that session
Connections Made - total number of connections made by attendees in the session.
When the Download button is clicked, a CSV file containing information on attendee matches will be downloaded.
It will show a report with the attendee information (name, title, company), the information of the attendee that they matched with (name, title, company), title of the session that they matched in, and date/time when they were matched.
When the Details button is clicked, a Networking menu will slide in from the right side, listing down the names of the attendees in the networking session and the name of the attendees that they matched with.
Connections Tab
The Connections tab shows the attendees of the event. You'll find the following information:
Connections - number of connections made in the event
1:1 Meetings - number of meetings scheduled in the event
Meeting Requests Sent - number of meeting requests sent
Total Meeting Time - total duration spent on meetings in the event
Average Meeting Duration - average time spent on meetings in the event
When the Details button on an attendee is clicked, an All Connection menu will slide in from the right side, it will show a list of all attendees they've connected with in the event.