Be Notified in Slack When Your Guests Check In
If you have HubSpot integrated with Accelevents to import or export attendees, you can create a workflow that sends you a Slack alert if you're the HubSpot contact owner and the attendee has checked in.
Create a HubSpot Workflow
1. Create a workflow from scratch
Go to Workflows. If you can't see Workflows from the top navigation, click the Automation dropdown, then select Workflows.
Click Create workflow
Select From Scratch
Select Contact-based, then click Next.
2. Add a Trigger
Click the Trigger enrollment for contacts box, and select When filter criteria is met
3. Add an Accelevents Integration Filter
Scroll down and select Accelevents under Integration Filters
Select Accelevents: Check-In properties
Select Event Name
Note: You need to have the Checked-In Activity Log enabled in your event, this is how the workflow will determine if the attendee has checked in.
4. Add the Event Name(s)
Under Event Name, select "contains any of." In Add Values, type in the event name(s) and hit enter after each event name. Then click Save.
Note: Ensure that the event name you type in matches the event name in Accelevents
5. Add an Action
Click the + button
Select Slack under Integrated app
Click Send Slack notification
If Slack is not appearing click Install app to add it.
6. Select Contact Owner as Recipient
Under Send notification to existing owners, select Contact Owner.
7. Add the Message
Enter the message template and add fields to easily identify which attendee has checked in, such as the name and email address. Click Save when you're done.
8. Publish Your Workflow
Click Review and Publish to make your workflow live.
That's it! When an attendee checks in, the contact owner will be notified through Slack.