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Event Q&A

Learn how to use the Q&A feature for your sessions and exhibitor booths

Ariane Ramirez avatar
Written by Ariane Ramirez
Updated over a week ago

The Q&A Feature

This feature allows attendees to post questions while in a session or inside a booth, and speakers or exhibitors may answer the questions live or by typing in their answers. When the event is accessed through a browser, attendees can find the Q&A section on the right-side panel where the chat area is. They can ask questions in the lobby, sessions, and exhibitor booths. The Q&A feature is only available through sessions if they access the attendee app.

Enable / Disable Q&A for a Session

  • Go to Agenda & Speakers in the admin console

  • Click edit (pencil icon) on the session

  • Open Advanced Settings from the right-side menu

  • Switch on / off Enable Q&A for this session

Note: Disabling the Q&A is only available for Scale and other higher plans

Enable/disable Q&A for an Exhibitor Booth

  • Go to Exhibitors & Sponsors in the admin console

  • Click edit (pencil icon) on the exhibitor booth

  • Scroll down to Manage Booth Interactivity

  • Switch on / off Enable Exhibitor Q&A

Enable/disable Q&A for the Lobby

  • Go to the Event Website tab

  • Select Virtual Event Hub

  • Select Lobby

  • Switch on / off Enable Q&A in Lobby Chat

Send Questions in Private Only

You can also enable Send Questions in Private Only. When this is enabled, the questions sent by attendees are automatically set to be sent privately, meaning only admins and speakers/exhibitors will see the question. When admins and speakers/exhibitors answer the question, they can send it privately to the attendee who asked it or send it publicly where everyone can see the question and answer.

To send the answer publicly, the admin or speaker has to untick the Send Privately check box.

Please note the following points when using the Q&A feature:

  • Questions can be posted and seen by anyone, including attendees, speakers, and admins

  • Answers can only be posted by speakers and admins inside a session; for exhibitor booths, only exhibitor staff and organizer admins can post answers.

  • Answers can be sent privately or publicly.

  • Answers cannot be deleted but can be edited after submission.

  • Dismissed questions may only be seen by speakers in a session or exhibitor staff inside the booth and admins.

  • Event admins and the person who submitted the question can delete the question.

Submit a Question

  • Enter the session through the virtual event hub or access the Accelevents studio link for the session (for speakers)

  • Click the Q&A tab

  • Type in your question and click Submit

  • Note: You will also have the option to submit a private question to the speaker by ticking the Send private option. When doing so, this question will only be visible to the speaker and will not be visible to other attendees.

Answer a Question

  • Enter the session through the virtual event hub or access the Accelevents studio link for the session (for speakers)

  • Click the Q&A tab

  • Click the All Questions dropdown and select Unanswered to see all the unanswered questions.

  • Click Answer to start typing your answer, then click Submit

  • Click the check mark icon if you want to answer the question by saying your answer on your live broadcast.

Edit an Answer

  • Hover your pointer to the question

  • Click the three dots at the upper right of the question

  • Select Edit Answer

  • Edit your answer and click Save

View an Answer

  • Select Answered from the All Questions menu

  • Note: The speaker or admin can edit their answer.

Dismiss a Question

  • Click the All Questions menu to view all open questions

  • Click Dismiss if you don't want to answer the question

  • If you decide to answer a dismissed question, click Reopen

  • Note: The Dismissed tab may only be seen by the speakers and admins

Delete a Question

  • Hover your pointer to the question you want to delete

  • Click three dots and click Delete Question

  • Note: Both answered, and unanswered questions can be deleted. Once the question has been answered, only the Event Admin can delete it.

Upvote a Question

  • Go to the Q&A tab

  • Click the ↑ icon at the upper right of the question

The number beside the ↑ icon indicates the number of times the question has been upvoted.

Sort the Questions

  • Click the 3 lines at the upper right (sort icon).

  • Select how you want the questions to be arranged from top to bottom: latest, most upvoted, or oldest.

  • Note: The default will show the latest question on top, and sorting will only reflect on your end.

Download the Q&A of a Session

  • Go to Analytics in your admin console

  • Click Sessions

  • Select the session

  • Click Q&A

  • Click Download Q&A

Download the Q&A of an Exhibitor Booth

  • Go to Analytics in your admin console

  • Click Exhibitors

  • Select the exhibitor

  • Click Q&A

  • Click Download Q&A

Download Reports for Q&A

  • Go to Analytics in your admin console

  • From the Registration tab, click Download

  • Select Q&A Data

From here, admins can download reports containing Q&A data, including the following:

  • Question

  • Asker Name

  • Answer Type

  • Status

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