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How to Submit Auction Bids

Submit auction bis through the event landing page or text to bid!

Althea Sagayno avatar
Written by Althea Sagayno
Updated over 6 months ago

Note: A shareable version of this document can be downloaded here.

How To Submit Auction Bids

Users can bid on auction items for the virtual fundraiser in two ways:

Bid Online

  1. You can click the Bid button for your desired item on the event's online silent auction page.

  2. For the first bid, you will be asked to create a username by entering your name, phone number, and email address.

  3. After creating your username, you can then submit your desired bid amount.

  4. You will then receive instant text outbid notifications and will be notified if you have won an item at the end of the auction through email and text.

Note: you will not receive any texts or emails for bidding. You will only receive a text if you're outbid or if you won. And you will only receive an email if you won.

Please note that the text option will only work for certain countries (including the US and Canada).

Text to Bid

Once the auction is activated, an event text number will appear on the event landing page with instructions on how to text to bid.

Important Notes:

  • The event text number can only be used for sending text messages; it will not receive any calls.

  • Please note that the text option will only work for certain countries (including the US and Canada). Please check with us if this will work in your country.

  1. Simply send a text message to the event text number with the item’s three-letter code and your desired bid amount. Example: ABC300

  2. You will receive a text message for the first bid asking you to confirm by responding with your first and last name.

    Note: if the auction requires credit card information to confirm their bid, the text message you will receive will have a link to sign in/sign up to the Accelevents site and submit your credit card information.

  3. You will receive a notification confirming the bid you made was a success.

  4. You will receive instant text outbid notifications and be notified if you have won an item at the end of the auction through email and text.

Staff can also help participants submit bids on their behalf. You can read more about that here.

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