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Configure the Integration to Import Lead Data from Salesforce

Import leads from your Salesforce account to Accelevents as event registrants

Shella avatar
Written by Shella
Updated over a month ago

Salesforce to Accelevents Integration

With our built-in Salesforce integration, you can import existing or new leads from your Salesforce account and have the data automatically appear in Accelevents. The leads will be added as registrants to your event.

Important Notes:

  • The integration feature is not available for Free and Starter plans.

  • Please do not use a free or trial salesforce account because it does not support REST_API. Please use an enterprise or developer account. You can create a developer account from this page.

  • Attendee registrations that are done before the integration will not appear in Salesforce.

  • Accelevents has a "native integration" with Salesforce, meaning we have created our built-in integration, but we are not "Salesforce native," a company built completely in Salesforce.

  • Our Salesforce integration is compatible with Salesforce Nonprofit Cloud.

Connect the Integration

  1. Go to your Organizer Portal by clicking Manage Organization, which is found at the bottom left corner of any event admin console.

  2. Go to the Integrations tab and click Connect under the Salesforce logo.

    If you don't see the Integrations tab, you'll need to access your Enterprise or White Label Dashboard to see it. Click My Enterprise from the Organizer Portal to take you to your Enterprise or White Label Dashboard, where you should find the Integrations tab.

    You can also access the direct Enterprise or White Label Dashboard URL to see the Integrations tab. The URL would look something like this:

  3. In the pop-up, log in to your Salesforce account.

    • Click on New Authentication

    • Name the authentication

    • Select Production under the Salesforce Instance Type

    • Click Create.

    • On the next screen, log in to your Salesforce account.

  4. Select Lead as the Record Type from the dropdown. Click Next.

  5. After you click Next, you will see a Salesforce to Accelevents Public URL. Copy that URL and paste it somewhere, as you will use it later to set up a webhook. Click Finish.

    Note: If you forgot to copy it, you could access it later by editing the integration.

  6. After clicking Finish, return to the Integrations tab and wait for the integration to be enabled. Once enabled and connected, the green button under Salesforce will turn red.

After doing this part, you can now import attendee data from Accelevents to Salesforce; we suggest doing a test registration before proceeding to the next steps to see if the integration works.

Map Accelevents and Salesforce Fields

By default, the lead's Email, First Name, and Last Name are the fields that will be imported from Salesforce to Accelevents. If you want to include other lead information in the data transfer, you can map those fields in the Configure Salesforce Mapping menu.

Create a Workflow in Salesforce

After connecting the integration, a workflow must be created in Salesforce to import lead. This workflow will specify what conditions will trigger the data transfer.

But before creating the flow, a couple of steps must be done to make the flow work.

PART 1: Create Custom Fields for Lead

In this part of the setup, you will create 2 lead fields: API Key field and Ticket Type field. These fields are essential because the information inputted in those fields will trigger the import.

  1. Login to your Salesforce account and click Object Manager

  2. In the search field, look for Lead, then select Lead.

  3. Create a new custom field for API Key

    • Click Fields & Relationships

    • Click New

  4. On Data Type, select Text. Click Next.

  5. Enter the API Key field details, then click Next.

    API Key Field

    • Field Label: API Key

    • Length: 255

    • Field Name: apiKey

  6. Click Next again, then Save.

  7. Open the API Key field you created. Your lead API Key field should look like this:

  8. Create a new custom field for Ticket Type

    • Click Fields & Relationships

    • Click New

  9. On Data Type, select Number. Click Next.

  10. Enter the Ticket Type field details, then click Next.

    Ticket Type Field

    • Field Label: Ticket Type

    • Length: 18

    • Decimal Places: 0

    • Field Name: ticketType

  11. Click Next again, then Save.

  12. Open the Ticket Type field you created. Your Lead Ticket Type field should look like this:

    That's it! You're done creating your lead API Key and Ticket Type fields.

    The next step is to set up a lead outbound message.

PART 2: Set Up a Lead Outbound Message in Salesforce

In this part of the setup, you will be creating a webhook. Prepare the Salesforce to Accelevents Public URL you copied earlier in the integration setup.

  1. Create new Outbound Messages for Lead

    • Go to the Home tab

    • Search for Outbound Messages under Process Automation

    • Click New Outbound Message

  2. Enter the details of the outbound message and click Save.

    • Object: Lead

    • Name: Import Lead Registration

    • Unique Name: Import_Lead_Regsitration

    • Endpoint URL: paste the Salesforce to Accelevents Public URL from step 5 of Configuring the integration in Accelevents

    • Selected Fields: Id, apiKey_c, ticketType_c

  3. To check if your lead message is saved, click Outbound Messages again.

    That's it! You're done creating a lead outbound message. The next step is to create a lead flow.

PART 3: Create the Lead Flow in Salesforce

1. Create a Lead Flow

  • Go to the Home tab

  • Search for Flows under Process Automation

  • Click New Flow

2. Complete the Flow Details

Once you click New Flow, a new tab will open.

  • Select Start From Scratch

  • Select Record-Triggered Flow

  • Click Create

Select the flow details, create 2 conditions, then click Done.

  • Object: Lead

  • Configure Trigger: A record is created or updated

  • Condition Requirements: All Conditions are Met (AND)

    • Field 1: apiKey__c Operator: is Null Value: False

    • Field 2: ticketType__c Operator: Greater Than Value: 0

  • When to Run the Flow for Updated Records: Every time a record is updated and meets the condition requirements

  • Optimize the flow for: Actions and Related Records

3. Create a "New Records" Outcome

  • Click the + button, then select Decision

In the pop-up, fill out the required details to create an Outcome. You will create 2 outcomes. First, we will create a "New Records" outcome.

Label and API Name

  • On top of the page:

    • Label: Import Decision

    • API Name: Import_Decision

  • Under Outcome Details:

    • Label: New Records

    • Outcome API Name: New_Records

Condition Requirements

Ensure that the condition requirements to execute the outcome default to All Conditions Are Met (AND). Then on Resource, click the search bar, select + New Resource, select or enter the items below, and click Done.

  • Resource Type: Formula

  • API Name: NewLeadCreate

  • Data Type: Boolean

  • Formula - insert in the text box: ISNEW()

  • For Operator, choose Equals

  • For Value, search and select True

4. Create an "Update Records" Outcome

On the same pop-up, click the + button to create the second outcome, "Update Records"

Label and API Name

  • Under Outcome Details:

    • Label: Update Records

    • Outcome API Name: Update_Records

Condition Requirements

Ensure that the condition requirements to execute the outcome default to All Conditions Are Met (AND). Then on Resource, click the search bar, select + New Resource, select or enter the items below, and click Done.

  • Resource Type: Formula

  • API Name: UpdateLeadRecord

  • Data Type: Boolean

  • Formula - insert in the text box: ISCHANGED({!$Record.apiKey__c}) || ISCHANGED({!$Record.ticketType__c})

Important Note:

If you have mapped other order form fields, you must add them to the formula above so that when changes are made to those fields in Salesforce, they will also update in Accelevents.

For example, you mapped the Job Title and Organization. You must get the Salesforce Field Name of those fields and add it to the formula. Like this below:

ISCHANGED({!$Record.apiKey__c}) || ISCHANGED({!$Record.ticketType__c}) || ISCHANGED({!$Record.Title}) || ISCHANGED({!$Record.Organization__c})

  • For Operator, choose Equals

  • For Value, search and select False

  • Click Done to save

5. Create Outbound Message Actions for the Outcomes

Once you click done, you'll see the outcomes you created. You will need to create an outbound message action for those 2 outcomes.

  • Click the + button under the outcome (New Records and Update Records)

  • Select Action

  • Search for Outbound Message on the left side

  • Search for Import Lead Registration in Action

For New Records:

  • Label: Import Lead Create Outbound Message

  • API Name: Import_Lead_Create_Outbound_Message

  • Click Done

For Update Records:

  • Label: Import Lead Update Outbound Message

  • API Name: Import_Lead_Update_Outbound_Message

  • Click Done

6. End the Flow for the Default Outcome

  • Click the + button under Default Outcome

  • Select End

7. End the Flow for New Records and Update Records Outcome

  • Click the + button under the outbound message you created for New Records (lighting icon)

  • Select End

  • This will automatically end the flow for New Records and Update Records.

8. Save the Flow

  • Click Save

  • Enter an appropriate Flow Label (e.g., Import Lead From Salesforce to Accelevents)

  • Press the tab key to generate the flow API Name automatically

  • Click Save

9. Activate the Flow

That's it! You're done creating your lead flow!

The next step is to test if you can import leads from Salesforce to Accelevents!

Test the Lead Import from Salesforce to Accelevents

  1. Copy the API Key and Ticket Type number from your event.

    • Go back to your event admin console

    • Go to Settings > Integrations

    • Enable Tray Integration and copy the API Key

    • Select the Ticket Type and copy the ticket type number

  2. In Salesforce, click the menu icon > search for sales.

  3. Select the Leads tab.

    • You can create a new lead by clicking New.

    • Or you can import an existing lead by clicking the dropdown arrow at the end of the record and selecting Edit.

  4. Fill out these fields, then click Save.

    • First Name

    • Last Name

    • Email Address

    • API Key - paste the key you copied from your admin console

    • Ticket Type - paste the ticket type number you copied from your admin console

  5. After saving your lead, you can check your admin console to see if the lead has been imported to Accelevents.

    • Go back to your event admin console

    • Go to Attendees > Orders

      The lead will now appear in the orders tab and receive an order confirmation email!

Add the Lead as a Campaign Member

If you want to monitor in Salesforce whether these attendees have checked in to the event, manually add their lead records to the campaign. Once they check in, their Subscriber State field should update as "ATTEND."

Changes in Salesforce Contact or the Accelevents Ticket Holder

You will need to do the following to ensure that changes in the lead record will also update the order in Accelevents and vice versa.


  • If you miss one of the items below, duplicate attendees may be created, or the information may not be updated.

  • It will only update the ticket holder's mapped fields.

  • Changes done before setting up the 3 items below will not update on the other platform.

1. Add the lead record to the campaign

2. Add the attendee's order number and ticket number to the lead record

You must create these 2 number fields and manually add the data from Accelevents. This will let Accelevents know which order to update instead of creating a new one.

Note: Currently, there is no option to automatically update the Order ID and Ticket ID in Salesforce if the attendees are added through the Salesforce to Accelevents integration. We're working on improving this. Stay tuned!

Click the arrow to see the steps on how to create the 2 fields

Create the Order and Ticket ID Fields

Login to your Salesforce account and click Object Manager

In the search field, look for Lead, then select Lead.

Click Fields & Relationships, then click New

Create the Order ID Field

On Data Type, select Number. Click Next.

Enter the Order ID field details, then click Next.

Order ID Field

  • Field Label: Order Id

  • Length: 18

  • Field Name: Order_Id

  • Decimal Places: 0

Click Next again, then Save.

Create the Ticket Id Field

Click Fields & Relationships, then click New

On Data Type, select Number. Click Next.

Enter the Ticket ID field details, then click Next.

Ticket ID Field

  • Field Label: Ticket Id

  • Length: 18

  • Field Name: Ticket_Id

  • Decimal Places: 0

Click Next again, then Save.

​3. Map the Order Id and Ticket Id

  • Go to Settings > Integrations in your Accelevents admin console

  • Click Configure in Salesforce

  • Map the Order Id and Ticket Id

  • Click Save

Edit the Integration

If you want to edit the existing integration, click Edit, and it will take you back to the step where it asks you to click "New Authentication" (step 3).

Disconnect the Integration

If you want to uninstall the integration, click the red Disable button, then click the 3 dot menu in the Salesforce tile on the integrations page within Accelevents, then click Uninstall. Once it's disconnected, you can connect a Salesforce account from scratch.

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