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Managing your Accelevents Data in Salesforce
Ariane Ramirez avatar
Written by Ariane Ramirez
Updated over a week ago

Where to Find Attendees in Salesforce

After connecting the Salesforce-Accelevents integration, new registrations post-integration should appear in your Salesforce account. Attendees should be added as leads or contacts, depending on your setup, and they will also be added as campaign members through an auto-generated campaign.

In this article, you'll learn where to find those registrants in Salesforce and what other changes happen to their lead or contact record when there are status and order updates.

If you still need to integrate, follow the steps in this article to set up the Integration to Export Event Data from Accelevents Into Salesforce.

Important Step: Deactivate the Duplicate Rules in Salesforce

The default duplicate rules in Salesforce should be INACTIVE to ensure all registrants are exported to Salesforce.

If the rules are active, it will not export registrants with a matching cross-record (lead selected as record type; the match is a contact). Example:

Setup: Lead as Record Type

Scenario: The registrant has a matching email address with an existing contact in Salesforce.

ACTIVE Duplicate Rules Behavior

INACTIVE Duplicate Rules Behavior

The registrant will not be exported to Salesforce, and the existing contact will not be updated.

The registrant will be exported to Salesforce as a new lead.

Locate Registrants in Salesforce

Depending on your setup, registrants will be added as leads or contacts to your Salesforce account.

Access the Leads or Contacts List

  • Login to Salesforce

  • Click the menu icon

  • Search for sales

  • Click Leads or Contacts

  • You should be able to see the registrant in the list

Access the Campaigns List

After the first registration post-integration setup, an auto-generated campaign will be created in your Salesforce account. The campaign name will be the name of your event, and when you open it, you'll see the registrants added as campaign members.

  • In Salesforce, click the menu icon.

  • Search for sales

  • Click Campaigns

  • Select the campaign (your event name)

  • Click View All under Campaign Members to see all the registrants for that event.

Note: When the campaign is generated, these fields are also automatically created in your Salesforce account:

  • Event URL

  • Organizer Name

  • Subscriber State

Attendee Registration Status in Salesforce

To know if the registrant has already attended the event, you can open the campaign member record (not the lead or contact record) through the Campaigns tab in Salesforce. The Subscriber State field will show you the status of whether they are only registered for the event, if they've checked in, or if their ticket was refunded or deleted.

  • Click the Campaigns tab

  • Open the campaign (event name)

  • Click Campaign Members

  • To see the member details, click the name.

  • Check the Subscriber State field.

    • REGISTER - they have not entered the event

    • ATTEND - they have entered the event

    • REFUNDED - they were fully refunded

    • PARTIALLY REFUNDED - they were partially refunded

    • CANCELED - the ticket has been deleted or canceled.


  • If you're importing registrants from Salesforce to Accelevents, those registrants will not appear in the auto-generated campaign. If you want to monitor in Salesforce whether these imported registrants have checked in to the event, you can add them to the campaign manually, and their Subscriber State field should update as "ATTEND" once they check in to the event.

  • If you have enabled the toggle to Create a new contact or lead for every ticket holder is turned on, it will also create a new member if the ticket holder buys another ticket.

  • If you have enabled the toggle to Create a new contact or lead when the ticket holder's email address is updated in the order, the old member will be removed from the campaign when the email address is updated in the order, and the new member will be added to the campaign.

  • Both tickets and add-on purchases can be synced with Salesforce.

Managing Matching Records in Salesforce

On the topics above, we learned that a new lead or contact is created if the registrant is nonexistent in Salesforce. Below, we will discuss what happens when a matching record exists in Salesforce.

Matching Criterion

The criterion for matching is only the email address, and it will only search for matching linear records (search leads if lead was the selected record type and search for matching contacts if contact was the selected record type). When a match is confirmed, it will update the record's additional mapped fields and retain the record's original first and last names.

Here are the scenarios you may encounter when there is an existing matching record and the expected behavior.



The registrant buys another ticket

The matching record is updated.

The registrant matches with 2 records

The most recent record created is updated.

The registrant matches with a cross-record

A new linear record is created.

The registrant matches with 1 linear record and 1 cross record

The matching linear record is updated.

Order Updates in Accelevents

When changes are made to the attendees' order form answers in Accelevents, they will only update Salesforce if the attendees are campaign members for that event. It will update the mapped fields, including name and email. If you have enabled the toggle to Create a new contact or lead when the ticket holder's email address is updated in the order, the old member will be removed from the campaign when the email address is updated in the order, and the new member will be added to the campaign.

Record Updates in Salesforce

If changes are made to the Salesforce record, it will not update the order in Accelevents. If you want it to be 2-way, you'll need to set up the integration to export data from Salesforce to Accelevents.

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