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Overriding the HubSpot Contact Creation Rules

Create a contact record for your ticket buyer and create contact records for each attendee!

Ariane Ramirez avatar
Written by Ariane Ramirez
Updated over a week ago

Default Contact Creation and Updating Rules

What's great about HubSpot is that it does not allow you to create duplicate contacts based on email addresses. Before we dive into overriding the default rules, read the rules below to know what happens when Accelevents attendees are exported to HubSpot.

If you still need to integrate, follow the steps in this article to set up the Integration to Export Event Data from Accelevents Into HubSpot.

Rules For New Registrations in Accelevents

1. New Contact Creation Rules

  • A new contact is created if no contact has the same email address as the ticket holder.

  • All mapped fields will be included in the new contact record.

  • A contact record will not be created for the ticket buyer if the ticket buyer differs from the ticket holder.

2. Updating Existing Contact Rules

  • An existing contact is updated if the contact has the same email address as the ticket holder.

  • The existing contact's name is updated if the HubSpot name field is null.

  • The mapped data will be updated based on your selected Update Policy.

  • If the ticket buyer is already a contact in HubSpot, the contact will not be updated with the ticket buyer's information.

Rules For Updating Registrations in Accelevents

Note: If only BUYER data is collected, the information that would carry over to HubSpot is the data from the BUYER information. This will only update in HubSpot after the update button is clicked in the HOLDER information.

  • If the name is changed in the order, the name in HubSpot will not be updated.

  • If the email is changed in the order, it will replace the email in HubSpot with the new information. It will not create a new contact record for that new email.

  • The mapped data will be updated based on your selected Update Policy.

  • The Update Policy will apply if the update button is clicked for the ticket holder information, even if no changes are made.

Rules For Updating the HubSpot Contact After Importing to Accelevents

  • The order in Accelevents will not be updated if changes are made in the HubSpot contact.

Overriding the Default Contact Creation Rules

Below are some settings you can enable to change some contact creation rules. This can be done through the Configure HubSpot Mapping menu.

  • Go to Settings > Integrations in your event's admin console

  • Click Configure under HubSpot

  • Go to the Contact Creation section

The first two toggles in this section are turned off by default, and the third toggle is enabled by default.

Overriding Feature

What happens when the toggle is turned on?

Create a new contact for the ticket buyer

Turn this on to create a contact record for the TICKET BUYER, given that no existing matching contact record exists.

Note: the default rule is that a contact record will only be created for TICKET HOLDERS, so turning this on will create a contact even if the ticket buyer is not a ticket holder.

Note: If you use the HubSpot Deal creation feature, you may want to turn on this toggle.

Create a new contact when the ticket holder's email address is updated in the order

Turn this on to create a new contact instead of updating the existing contact when the ticket holder's email address is changed in the order.

We recommend turning this on so that if someone buys multiple tickets under 1 email address, new contacts will be created when the buyer updates the order with the attendees' email addresses and information.

We also recommend that "Do Not Update" is selected for email in the update policy.

Note: If you use the HubSpot Deal creation feature, you may want to turn on this toggle.

Sync External Transactions

When this is enabled, uploaded attendees through CSV will be included in the attendees that will be exported to HubSpot. This also applies to attendees added through other integrations like Zapier.

If this is disabled, any attendee added through CSV upload or other integrations will not be exported to HubSpot. No deals will be created for these attendees either.

Mapping Update Policy

The Update Policy column in the Configure HubSpot Mapping menu allows you to customize the behavior when updating the fields. The Update Policy for name and email is pre-selected, but you can change it depending on your requirements.

You can choose from these options for additional mapping:

Update Policy


Always update

When the field is updated in Accelevents, the field will also update in HubSpot

Do not update

When the field is updated in Accelevents, it will not update in HubSpot

Do not update if the source is empty

When the field is updated in Accelevents as a blank field, it will not update it as blank in HubSpot. The existing data in HubSpot will not be replaced as blank.

Update if target is empty

When the field is updated in Accelevents and the HubSpot field has data, it will not update the HubSpot field.

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