The Dynamic Customization Settings on badges allow you to change the text and print in different colors depending on what the attendee answered in their registration.
For example, during registration, you ask your attendees whether they are the team captain, and they select either yes or no as the answer. Instead of showing "Yes" or "No" in the badge, you can replace that text with "CAPTAIN" if they are and "MEMBER" if they answer no. Then, to easily identify from afar whether they are a captain or a member, you can assign different colors for the captain and member text.
Important Notes:
You can only print in color if you have a colored printer and PrintNode configured.
Ensure you have created a dropdown or multiple-choice question before proceeding with the steps below.
Ensure that the dropdown or multiple choice question is active and required for the TICKET HOLDER.
The widget can display only 1 color at a time, so for multiple answers, the displayed color is the color for the last selected answer in the choices.
Customize the Field Settings
Add the field to your badge once you have created and enabled your dropdown question type for the ticket holder.
Open the badge design to edit
Click Widgets
Click Custom Fields
Select the field
Click Add Fields
Look for the custom field you added in the Widgets menu, then click it to add to the design.
Click the field from the design to load the settings
Click Customize Field
Add the custom label and colors
You can also hide the field depending on the answer
Click Save
That's it! Test it by registering 2 attendees with different answers to that field, then print their badges.
Dropdown Answers
If you're using a dropdown field, only 1 answer can be displayed at a time as the attendee can select only 1 answer. The answer or custom label and color will display depending on their selected answer.
Multiple Answers
If you're using a multiple-choice field, all the selected answers by the attendee will display. The answers or custom labels will display with a pipe | as a separator for each label. As the widget can display only 1 color at a time, the displayed color for all answers is the color for the last selected answer in the choices.