Add Dynamic Fields to Emails and Pages
Add merge tags to your email to make it more directed toward the recipient, or add them to pages to reflect the event information. The system will replace these variables with contact information or event information present in our system.
For example, you can place a merge tag for the first name in an email template so that the greeting includes the recipient's name rather than a generic “Hello!”
You can even add a QR code merge tag so that the attendee's QR code would appear in the email.
If you're editing a page or the advanced email template builder, click on the text content in your template, then click Merge Tags from the toolbar above the text to see the available merge tags.
If other fields are enabled, order form merge tags will appear for order confirmation and reminder emails. Merge tags will not appear if the question type is a conditional question or image upload.
If you're editing an Engage Email, click View Dynamic Values to see the list of merge tags.
Merge Tags for Emails
Order Confirmation Email Default Builder
${ticket_holder_first_name} | ${event_name} | ${eventStartEndDateTime} |
Order Confirmation Email Advanced Builder
${ticket_holder_first_name} ${adminText} ${customText} ${joinEventOrViewOrderButton} ${headerText} ${purchaser_name} ${purchaser_email} ${order_number} ${total_tickets} ${donation_amount} ${eventStartEndDateTime} ${addToGoogleCalendar} ${addToOutlookCalendar} ${addToIcalCalendar} ${addToYahooCalendar} ${eventAddress} ${viewOnMap} ${token} ${JoinOrViewEventLabel} ${linkedinShare}
| ${twitterShare} ${openContactFormURL} ${purchase_date} ${link_for_download_tickets_with_new_template} ${getStarted} ${event_name} ${event_startDate} ${event_endDate} ${event_startTime} ${event_endTime} ${event_TimeZone} ${event_location} ${Sender_Address} ${Sender_City} ${Sender_State} ${Sender_Zip} ${order_pdf_link} ${create_Event} ${privacyPolicy} ${helpCenter}
| ${tickety_type_name} ${buyer_prefix} ${buyer_last_name} ${buyer_email} ${buyer_cell_phone} ${buyer_country} ${buyer_state} ${buyer_billing_address} ${buyer_shipping_address} ${buyer_gender} ${buyer_birthday} ${buyer_age} ${buyer_organization} ${buyer_job_title} ${buyer_pronouns} ${buyer_about_me} ${buyer_facebook} ${buyer_instagram} ${buyer_linkedin} ${buyer_twitter}
Reminder Email Default Builder
${ticket_holder_first_name} | ${event_name} | ${eventStartEndDateTime} |
Reminder Email Advanced Builder
${ticket_holder_first_name} ${joinEventOrViewOrderButton} ${headerText} ${purchaser_name} ${purchaser_email} ${order_number} ${eventStartEndDateTime} ${addToGoogleCalendar} ${addToOutlookCalendar} ${addToIcalCalendar} ${addToYahooCalendar} ${eventAddress} ${viewOnMap} ${joinOrViewEventLabel} ${linkedinShare} ${facebookShare} ${twitterShare} ${openContactFormUrl} ${purchase_date} | ${link_for_download_tickets_with_new_template} ${getStarted} ${event_name} ${event_startDate} ${event_endDate} ${event_startTime} ${event_endTime} ${event_location} ${Sender_Address} ${Sender_City} ${Sender_State} ${Sender_Zip} ${order_pdf_link} ${create_Event} ${privacyPolicy} ${helpCenter} ${QR_code} ${tickety_type_name} ${buyer_prefix} | ${buyer_first_name} ${buyer_last_name} ${buyer_email} ${buyer_country} ${buyer_state} ${buyer_billing_address} ${buyer_shipping_address} ${buyer_gender} ${buyer_birthday} ${buyer_age} ${buyer_organization} ${buyer_job_title} ${buyer_pronouns} ${buyer_about_me} ${buyer_facebook} ${buyer_instagram} ${buyer_linkedin} ${buyer_twitter}
Engage Emails
$FirstName $LastName $EventName | $EventUrl $MagicLink $OrderNumber $TicketNumber | $AutoAssignedSequenceNumber $TicketTypeName |
Merge Tags for Pages
Event Website Builder and Confirmation Page