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Add a Waiver or Disclaimer

Don't let your attendees miss an "important note" that you require for them to read to proceed to your event.

Whitney Harriss avatar
Written by Whitney Harriss
Updated over a week ago

Add a Waiver or Disclaimer

With Accelevents, you can add a waiver or disclaimer that can appear at the end of the registration process and right before entering the virtual event hub.

Waiver or Disclaimer on the Registration Process

Adding a waiver or disclaimer to your registration process allows you to ensure that attendees have agreed to any conditions required to participate in your event. When you add a waiver or disclaimer, attendees are required to confirm they understand & agree to the conditions before completing their registration. You can also add an option for attendees to disagree with the conditions and still allow them to continue with the registration process.

  • Go to Registration > Order Form

  • Scroll to the bottom to see the Checkout Disclaimer section

  • Draft the content of your waiver or disclaimer

  • Toggle on Require Disclaimer Approval Before Checkout if you need attendees to agree to your disclaimer to proceed with the registration

  • Toggle on Allow Users to Disagree to Disclaimer if you will allow your attendees to disagree with your disclaimer and still be able to proceed with the registration. Turning this on will show the second checkbox in the waiver or disclaimer.

Waiver or Disclaimer Before Entering the Virtual Event Hub

You could also enable and set up a waiver or disclaimer, which will appear as a pop-up before an attendee enters the virtual event hub. If the attendee agrees, they will proceed to the event hub. And just like the waiver or disclaimer in the registration process, you will have the option to require them to agree before they can enter or let them enter if they don't agree.

  • Go to Event Website tab > Event Landing Page

  • Toggle on Show a Disclaimer Pop Up before users join the Virtual Event Hub

  • Draft your waiver or disclaimer in the content box below.

  • Tick the box to Allow users to disagree to the disclaimer before entering the virtual event if you will allow your attendees to disagree with your disclaimer and still be able to proceed to the virtual event hub. Enabling this will show the second checkbox in the waiver or disclaimer.

    Note: As a default, attendees must check the box to agree to proceed to the virtual event hub. If they do not choose an option by clicking the X on the upper right corner of the pop-up, they will be redirected to the event landing page.

This is how it would appear to the attendees while entering the virtual event hub:

To see the disclaimer responses, you can go to Analytics, then check the Registration Data report.

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