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Exhibitor Invitation Email

The exhibitor invitation email allows exhibitors to access their booth to start customizing it

Hydee avatar
Written by Hydee
Updated over a week ago

Exhibitor Invitation Email

Exhibitors will receive an invitation email when you add them as admin or staff of their booth. By clicking the Access the My Booth button from the email, they will be redirected to the My Booth section in the virtual event hub.

Note: Exhibitors from an in-person event may also have access to edit their booth by clicking the Access Booth button (for events using the Attendee App for an in-person event).

Editing the Exhibitor Invitation Email

  • Go to Exhibitors & Sponsors

  • Click Exhibitor Settings

  • Go to Booth Settings > Customize Exhibitor Email and compose your email

Resending the Exhibitors Invitation Email

If the exhibitor didn't receive the invitation email, you could resend it from the booth's settings.

  • Go to the Exhibitors & Sponsors tab and click the edit icon.

  • Go to the Team tab and click the resend invitation icon.


Disabling the Automated Exhibitors Invitation Email

If you don't want your exhibitors to receive the automated invitation email, you can disable it before adding in your booth staff and admin.

  • Go to Exhibitor Settings

  • Go to Booth Settings, then disable the option for sending the automated exhibitor invitation email.

Frequently Asked Questions

Do exhibitors need a ticket to enter the event?

  • No, they don't. However, tickets allow them to join other sessions just like regular attendees. Click here to learn how to issue tickets to your exhibitors.

Can exhibitors access their booth before the event?

  • Yes, they can. Exhibitors can go in and out of their booths anytime. However, only the Exhibitor Admin can edit the booth.

Can I send all exhibitor invitation emails in one go?

  • Yes, you can. Ensure the Enable Exhibitor Invite Email feature is toggled off before adding team members to a booth. Click the Send All Exhibitor Invite Emails button under the Exhibitor Settings > Booth Settings tab to send the invitation email in one go.​

Do exhibitors need a password for editing when they access the booth?

  • No need. The button in the invite email they receive acts as a magic link that allows them to access the booth without a password.

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