What We'll Need
If you're under the White Label Plan and have also purchased a mobile event app with white labeling as an add-on, you'll need to submit a few basic things so we can start building your app.
Basic Requirements
App Name: Provide a name for your app. This must be unique and has not been used by any other app yet.
App Icon (512x512px): Image/logo to be shown on the App Store and Google Play Store listing
Banner Image (1024x1024px): Image to be shown on the App Store and Google Play Store listing
Splash Screen image (maximum of 1240x2200px): Image shown on the application splash screen. The image dimension can be anything; you can occupy most of the page or just have an image at the center.
Event list and Sign In page Icon (160x40px) - Image shown in the events list page and sign-in page
Privacy Policy URL - (Sample: https://www.accelevents.com/Privacy-Policy)
Terms and Conditions URL - (Sample: https://www.accelevents.com/terms-conditions)
Note: The development process until submission to Apple or Google may take up to 15 business days. Approval from the respective app store can range from 24 to 72 hours.