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General Event Settings
Accelevents event ticketing guides for setting up your event. Learn tips & tracks to get up and running quickly so that you can start selling tickets with our easy to use system.
Create a Virtual or Hybrid Event From Scratch
How to Create a Test Session or a Test Event
Creating a Test Event
Create An Event Template
The Admin Console
The Overview
How to Enable Tabs in the Admin Console
Setting Event Details
Private Events: Password Protected Events
Static Event Times
Pre-Event Access: Can Attendees Enter The Event at an Earlier Time?
What is Pre and Post Event Access?
Can The Event Date And Time Be Hidden From the Event Page?
Event Checklist
Add Event Admins & Staff
What is the difference between Admins, Event Admins & Staff?
Event Access for Different Types of Event Roles
Setting Up Notifications for Your Team Members
Contact Button
The Staff Portal
The Organizer Portal
The Enterprise or White Label Dashboard
The Organizer Profile
Hide an Event from the Organizer Page
Move an Event from One Organizer to Another
How Do I Disable the Purchase Notification Emails Sent to Admins When Someone Buys a Ticket?
Event Staff Channel: How do I communicate with my team during the virtual event?