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Ticket Order Status

The Order Status will easily allow you to know whether the registrant has any pending balance and if they have access to the event.

Ariane Ramirez avatar
Written by Ariane Ramirez
Updated over 2 months ago

Ticket Order Status

An order status will show on the upper right of the order. This will easily allow you to know whether the registrant has any pending balance and if they have access to the event.

Order Status


Registrant Has Access to the Event?


The order is fully paid. This applies to cash, check, and credit card transactions. It also applies to free tickets.



The registrant was not charged for the order; the event admin gave them complimentary tickets.



The event admin chose the "Unpaid" payment type, or the registrant chose to be invoiced (pay later) during registration.


Partially Paid

A partial payment is applied to an unpaid order. A partial payment can only be applied for invoiced transactions through the "apply/adjust payment" option in the order.



The order is fully refunded except for the credit card processing fee.


Partially Refunded

A partial refund is applied to the ticket(s) in order.



The registrant's event access has been canceled. Note that it is possible to cancel an order without fully refunding it.



If an order has been deleted, it will no longer appear in the orders tab but still appear in the report with a Delete Status.


How to Apply Payment

If the payment type is invoice (pay later), you can either "Mark it as Paid" or "Apply / Adjust Payment." We recommend using the latter so that you can input the payment details. The "Mark it as paid" option simply changes the order status without any options to enter partial payment or payment details.

  • Click the 3 dots on the upper right of the order

  • Select Appy / Adjust Payment

If the payment type is Unpaid, the only option to apply payment is to "Mark it as Paid."

How to Refund & Cancel

Anytime you refund an order, you'll be given the option to refund only or refund & cancel the order.

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