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Can I Refund or Delete Ticket Purchases?
Jon Kazarian avatar
Written by Jon Kazarian
Updated over a week ago

Accelevents has full and partial refunding capabilities for event ticketing. When refunding, you can refund an entire order (for multiple tickets) or a single ticket. You may also refund without removing the attendee access and completely delete the order. In this article, we will discuss how each action differs.

Important Notes:

  • Credit Card Transaction Fees are non-refundable. When you do a full refund, the fee will remain in the order. For further assistance regarding the refund of these fees, we recommend contacting Stripe or Square directly.

  • Accelevents Fees are refundable (e.g., $1 + 3% for Free and Starter plans). If a partial refund is made, our fees are also partially refunded.

  • Refunds will be reflected in the cardholder's account in 5 to 10 business days.

Refunding, Cancelling and Deleting Tickets


A fully or partially refunded ticket means the buyer has received an amount back. Refunding alone will not remove the attendee's access to the event. A refunded order will still appear in the orders tab.

Refund & Cancel

To completely remove the attendee access, the order must be Refunded & Cancelled. A refunded & cancelled order will remain in the Orders Tab.

Cancel Without Refunding

Attendee access will be removed even if a refund is not issued. An order cancelled without a refund will also remain in the Orders tab.


If you choose to delete a ticket, an automatic refund & cancellation will be made, and it will be completely deleted from your Orders tab but should still appear in the Registration Data report as deleted.

Refund Tickets

  • Go to Attendees > Orders in the admin console

  • Search for the order

  • Click the 3 dot menu in the top right

  • Select Refund

  • Select the Refund Quantity

  • Enter the Refund Amount

  • Click Refund

  • Select Refund in the pop-up confirmation

After refunding, the buyer should receive a refund confirmation email.

Partially Refund Tickets

If you want to issue a partial refund, select the refund quantity and then enter a refund amount less than the total ticket value of the ticket. If the outstanding amount is less than the total fees, it’s considered a full refund. The attendee can still access the event if the ticket is partially refunded.

Once the ticket has been refunded, the buyer will receive a ticket refund email notification like above.

Note: When you confirm the refund, you'll have the option to Refund & Cancel. This means that even if the order has remaining payment, the attendee will not have access to the event.

Refund & Cancel Tickets

Follow the same refunding process, and select Refund & Cancel at the end. A registrant with a cancelled ticket will have no access to the event, regardless if a partial or full refund was applied. The buyer will also receive a refund confirmation email.

Note: If the attendee is logged in to the event and a cancellation is made, the attendee will not be kicked out. However, if they log out, they can no longer log in again.

Cancel Tickets without Refunding

If your event requires a non-refundable ticket and the registrant confirms that they are not attending, you cancel their event access without refunding the ticket.

Follow the refunding process, indicate $0.00 as the refund amount and select Refund & Cancel Ticket. The buyer will still receive a refund confirmation email for this transaction indicating that $0.00 was refunded.

Delete Tickets

Deleting a ticket order permanently erases the record in your list of orders and automatically issues a refund if it's a paid ticket. It also automatically cancels the attendee's access. If multiple tickets are in the order, it will delete all of them. Deletion is usually done if it's a free ticket. Sending the refund email is optional when deleting tickets.

  • Go to Attendees > Orders in the admin console

  • Search for the order

  • Click the 3 dot menu in the top right

  • Select Delete

  • If you want to delete only 1 ticket in the order, click the 3 dot menu beside their name and select Delete.

  • A pop-up will appear to confirm the ticket deletion. You can also select not to send the refund email to the ticket buyer.

  • Click Confirm to delete and refund the ticket.

The deleted tickets report can be found in Analytics > Registration > Download

Frequently Asked Questions

Can you recover deleted tickets?

  • No.

Will the partial refund appear in the buyer invoice?

  • Yes, you can download the invoice, and the amount should be reflected there.

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