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Meeting Schedules for Exhibitors

There is a Meetings tab in My Booth where exhibitors can see all meetings requested through the booth.

Ariane Ramirez avatar
Written by Ariane Ramirez
Updated over 5 months ago

Meeting Schedules for Exhibitors

When an attendee books a meeting with an exhibitor by clicking the exhibitor's calendar icon from inside the booth, the exhibitor will see in the My Booth's Meeting tab that that time has been blocked in their calendar. From the Meeting tab, they can click on the meeting to see the details and accept or decline the request. This is also available through the attendee app.

Frequently Asked Questions

Will all meetings show in the schedule?

  • No, if the attendee clicks the exhibitor's calendar icon from the People tab to request a meeting, that meeting will not show in the calendar.

  • Only meetings requested from inside the booth will appear in the calendar.

Will both pending and confirmed meetings show in the schedule?

  • Yes

How can I determine if the meeting is pending or confirmed in the schedule?

  • Click the activity in the calendar. This will open a menu that will have the status on top.

  • You can also use the filter to see activities depending on the status.

  • We plan to add colors to the activity so that you can easily determine them. Stay tuned for updates.

Will the canceled meeting show on the schedule?

  • No

Can other exhibitors see the meetings of other exhibitors in the same booth?

  • Yes, other exhibitors can see meetings of other exhibitors in the same booth.

Can other exhibitors edit other exhibitors' meetings?

  • Yes, other exhibitors can edit other exhibitors' meetings.

  • If a meeting is still pending, other exhibitors can accept, decline, or propose a new time for another exhibitor's meeting.

  • If a meeting is confirmed, other exhibitors have the option to reassign the exhibitor that will join the meeting or cancel the meeting.

Can event admins see the meetings in the schedule?

  • Yes, event admins can see the meetings in the schedule.

Can event admins edit the meetings?

  • Yes, event admins can edit the meetings.

Can we manually add meetings to the schedule?

  • No, meetings cannot be manually added to the schedule. An attendee must book a meeting with the exhibitor.

Is there a way to have a weekly or monthly view?

  • No, only the daily view is available.

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