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Contact Lists

Create contact lists to send emails via Engage

Ariane Ramirez avatar
Written by Ariane Ramirez
Updated over a week ago

The Contact Lists feature allows you to create a distinct list for more targeted communication via Engage emails. You can upload contacts to Accelevents and group them using the contacts list. Then, when you send engage emails, you can choose the list as email recipients.

Create a List

  • Go to Engage > Contact Lists

  • Click + Add List

  • Give your list a name

  • You can upload contacts from here, but you can also skip this step for now.

  • Click Add

Add Contacts Through Upload

You'll see an option to upload contacts through a CSV during list creation, as seen in the screenshot above. If you skipped this, you can still upload contacts later.

  • Click the list you created

  • Click Import

  • Click the upload area to select and upload your CSV file from your computer, or drag the file to the pop-up.

CSV Format

The headers in the CSV file should be as follows:

  • First Name

  • Last Name

  • Email

  • Phone Number


  • Special characters such as + and - are not allowed in the phone number field

  • You can leave the phone number cells blank, but the header should always be there.

  • If you're using Google Sheets or Excel to create your CSV, make sure to remove the extra columns when you convert it to CSV to ensure it works.

Add Contacts Manually

  • Click the list you created

  • Click + Add Contact

  • Enter the contact information

  • Click Submit

Send Emails to Lists

After creating your contact list, you can select the list as recipients when you send emails through the Engage Feature.

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