Yes! We made it easier for you to find that link in your admin console. When you access the deep link, it will redirect you to the session!
Get the Session' Deep Link in the Admin Console
Go to Agenda & Sessions
Look for the session
Click the 3-dot menu and select Copy Deep Link to Session
Paste the copied link to a new tab and click enter.
Note: If you're not logged in when you access the link, it will ask you to log in first. You need a ticket to the event to access the session unless you're an event admin.
Get the Session Link from the Calendar Invite
In addition to getting the link in the admin console, the session link will appear in the description area of the calendar invite when attendees add the session to their calendars. This can be found in the Agenda tab of your event page or virtual event hub for virtual and hybrid events.
Go to your event page.
Click the Agenda tab.
Look for the session.
Click the Add to Calendar icon.
Select which calendar you want to add it to (Google, Yahoo, iCal, or Outlook)
This will open a new tab for the calendar, and in the description area, you'll find the session link.