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Registration Approval

Curate an exclusive event participant list by using the Registration Approval feature.

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Written by Shella
Updated over a week ago

The Registration Approval Process

The Registration Approval feature allows you to review which registrants, speakers, and exhibitors you want to join your event. Instead of giving attendees instant access, there will be a screening process before they can buy event tickets.


  • This feature is available for Enterprise and White Label Plans only.

  • The Exhibitor and Speaker approval feature is not available in the advanced pages, it's only accessible through the standard event landing page.

For speakers, you can review whether their topic is relevant to your event before giving them a session slot. Exhibitors can upload basic information like their company description and logo to show you if their booth would interest your attendees. When you approve them, the booth will automatically be created, and the exhibitors can immediately edit it.

Click on the arrows to expand the topic.

Attendee Registration Approval

What Happens When the Attendee Registration Approval is Turned On?

Once you enable attendee registration approval for a ticket type, everyone who selects it during registration will be screened before they can buy a ticket. The ticket types with registration approval enabled will have an "Approval Required" label on the ticket selection part of the registration process.

After they select a ticket, they will enter all the buyer and holder information and submit their application. Since this process screens them before buying, they are not asked to enter their payment information if they select a paid ticket.

When you approve their request, they will receive a confirmation that it has been approved. They can now claim their spot by purchasing the ticket. If the ticket is free, you can give it to them automatically, or they will have to get their ticket after approval, just like for paid tickets.

Enable Registration Approval for Attendees

  • Go to Registration > Set Up Tickets

  • Select the Ticket Type that will require registration approval

  • Enable the toggle for Approval Required

  • Click Save

Approve Requests

All requests can be found in Registrations > Registration Approval > Attendee > Requests. If it's a new request, their status will be Pending.

Click the dropdown on the Status column to change their status from Pending to Waitlisted, Denied, Approved, or Approve and Assign Ticket.

Every time the status is changed, they will receive an email. After approval, they will get a second email to claim their spot, which will be valid for 72 hours.


  • The Approve and Assign Ticket option is available only if the request is for a free ticket.

  • The Approve and Assign Ticket option is unavailable if the setting that requires ticket holders to have a unique email address is enabled.

  • Once you approve, you can no longer change the status.

  • Currently, if they have a pending or waitlist status, they cannot buy another ticket even if the other ticket does not require approval. We are improving this feature; stay tuned for updates.

Status Change Emails

After changing the status, they will receive the Post Registration Email to inform them that their request has been updated. You can customize the subject and message per status in the Setup & Customization tab. You can also disable the automatic sending of these emails.

Approved Attendees

Approved registrants will receive a second email with a button to Claim Your Spot, where they can purchase the allotted ticket. If you choose to Approve and Assign the Ticket, the attendee will receive the Order Confirmation for the free ticket.

Resend the Claim Your Spot Email

If the registrant has been approved and has not claimed their spot, you can click the 3 dots in their request and click Send claim spot email to remind them to purchase the ticket.

Resend the Approval

If they have not claimed their spot after 72 hours, the link in the claim your spot email will be invalid. To give them a valid link, click the 3 dots and click Resend approval.

You will know it's past 72 hours when you see the yellow circle next to their name.

Show the Registrant's Answers

If you approve registrants based on their answers in the order form, click Edit Column to show those fields in the Requests tab so you can easily review them before changing the status. Note that the ticket buyer's information is shown here.

Check Which Ticket They Chose

Click on a request to open the side menu. Here, you can see which ticket type the user chose and other information included in the request.

Speaker Registration Approval

What Happens When the Speaker Registration Approval Feature is Turned on?

If you enable the registration approval for speakers, a "Register as a Speaker" button will appear on the event landing page's About tab. After they click the button, they will be asked to enter their personal information and information about the session they want to speak about.

When you approve their request, they will get an email that they have been approved and to wait for more instructions. They will also get the speaker invite email, we suggest turning this off and sending it to them when you've adjusted the session to its correct schedule. A regular session will be automatically created and they will added as speakers to the session. The session schedule will be the first hour of the event. If they have indicated the duration in minutes in the request, the duration will be considered in the session creation.

Enable Registration Approval for Speakers

  • Go to Registration > Registration Approval

  • Select the Speaker tab

  • Enable the toggle for Enable Speaker Registration Approval

Approve Requests

If it's a new request, its status will be Pending in the Requests tab. Click the dropdown menu in the Status column to change it from Pending to Waitlisted, Denied, or Approved.

Note: Once you approve, you can no longer change the status.

Status Change Emails

After changing the status, they will receive the Post Registration Email to inform them that their request has been updated. You can customize the subject and message per status in the Setup & Customization tab. You can also disable the automatic sending of these emails.

Approved Speakers

When you approve a speaker, they will get access immediately if you have the speaker invite email enabled. The session is created and they are added as a speaker to the session, and the speaker invite email will automatically be sent.

The session that will be created is a regular session and is scheduled for the first hour of the event. If this is not the desired schedule, we suggest turning off the speaker invite email before approving requests. This way you can make the necessary session adjustments and send the invite at a later time when all the details are added.

Exhibitor Registration Approval

What Happens When the Exhibitor Registration Approval Feature is Turned on?

A "Register as an Exhibitor" button will appear on the event landing page's About tab if you enable it for exhibitors. After they click the button, they will be asked to enter their personal and booth information. They will be required to upload their logo and enter the booth name.

When you approve their request, the booth will automatically be created. They will receive an email stating they have been approved and another email with instructions on accessing the booth for editing.

Enable Registration Approval for Exhibitors

  • Go to Registration > Registration Approval

  • Select the Exhibitor tab

  • Enable the toggle for Enable Exhibitor Registration Approval

Approve Requests

If it's a new request, its status will be Pending in the Requests tab. Click the dropdown menu in the Status column to change it from Pending to Waitlisted, Denied, or Approved.

Note: Once you approve, you can no longer change the status.

Status Change Emails

After changing the status, they will receive the Post Registration Email to inform them that their request has been updated. You can customize the subject and message per status in the Setup & Customization tab. You can also disable the automatic sending of these emails.

Approved Exhibitor

When you approve an exhibitor, the exhibitor booth will be created, and the exhibitor will get a second email immediately to access their booth.

Other Registration Approval Settings

Edit Requests

Event admins can modify received requests by selecting the three-dot icon and choosing 'Edit Request.' This allows them to update registrant details and responses to order form questions. Please note that changes made will only apply to the ticket buyer.

When you click a request, a menu will open showing all the request details. You can change the status, add notes, send the status email, download the request, or delete it. The History Log tab will log all the status changes for the request.

Setup & Customization

Aside from customizing the emails, the Setup & Customization tab for speakers and exhibitors allows you to customize the questions you want to ask them during registration, similar to the questions on the attendee's order form. You can include and require questions in the registration and add custom questions depending on what information you need from them.

Note: For attendees, the required fields in the order form will show when registrants are filling out their applications.

You can also add an Introductory Page for speakers and exhibitors that they will see before proceeding to register. The banner image, title, and description can be customized.

Approval Settings

This setting allows event admins to receive email notifications for every registration approval request.

Click Manage Receivers to select which event admins will receive email notifications. Admins will receive email notifications for every registration approval request.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I still register attendees without the approval process if the registration approval is enabled?

  • Yes, you can add attendees through the admin console or staff portal.

Can I still change it back to the regular registration if I have pending registrations?

  • You can turn off the registration approval and switch to regular registration. If you enable it again, the requests will remain there.

Can they register more than once?

  • No, they can't. When a registrant registers using the same email address more than once, they will get an error message: Registration request already exists.

  • If they try to register again after being approved, they will get this message.

What happens if they get a ticket that needs approval and a regular paid ticket?

  • Upon checkout, they will pay for the regular ticket, and a message will appear stating that the other ticket will be charged upon approval.

Can they purchase add-ons through the Registration Approval process?

  • Buying add-ons will only be available when they claim their spot after approval.

  • If they try to get an add-on while registering, they will get an "option not available" message when they try to assign the add-on. They cannot proceed with the order; they must return to the first step and remove the add-on from their selection.

If they select more than one ticket, can I approve just one ticket?

  • No, all tickets will be approved in the request, and the registrant can choose which ticket(s) they want to purchase.

Will the questions I ask through the registration approval appear in the order after they purchase?

  • Yes. If they answered them initially, the answers will appear and can be edited when they purchase.

Will Registration Approval work with recurring events?

  • Yes

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