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Post-Session Call to Action

Have a pop-up appear at the end of your session where attendees can click a button to move to another session, lounge or booth!

Ariane Ramirez avatar
Written by Ariane Ramirez
Updated this week

The Post-Session Call to Action Feature

This feature allows you to help attendees move easily to the next session or encourage them to visit a specific lounge or exhibitor booth when the session ends.

Once the broadcast ends or it reaches the session end time, whichever comes first, a pop-up will appear where they can click a button to move them from the current session to a different session, lounge, or booth.

Your attendees will love the seamless experience of moving from one session to another without hassle. Your exhibitors will love the added value you provide by helping more attendees discover their booth!

Important Notes:

  • The Post-Session Call to Action will still appear even if your session is going over the scheduled time, the pop-up will show at the end time of your session, and the broadcast will just continue. Attendees must choose whether to stay in the current session or move to the next one.

  • If your session ends early, expect that the Post-Session Call to Action pop-up will show right after the broadcast ends so that attendees can start moving to the next session, lounge, or expo since the broadcast is over.

  • The Post Session CTA can be added to a main stage, regular or workshop session.

  • The Post Session CTA is not available in the attendee app.

  • The text for the "Close" button cannot be changed.

  • The Post Session CTA will always appear on top of the page, it cannot be moved. If you want it to appear elsewhere, you can use a different feature like Push Notifications.

  • The Post Session CTA will appear even when attendees are watching the recording, you may want to turn this off after the session ends if you no longer need it to show.

Enable the Post-Session Call to Action

  • Open the session for editing in Event Content > Agenda

  • Click Advanced Settings

  • Turn on the toggle for "Enable post-session call-to-action"

Enter the description of the action and the text that would appear on the button. If you want them to move to another session, you can say "Join Session 2" in the description and "Join" for the button.

On the first dropdown field, select whether you want to redirect them to a session type, lounge, or booth.

On the second dropdown field, select the specific session, lounge, or booth name.

And that's it! The Post-Session Call to Action pop-up should appear when the broadcast ends or the session end time is reached, whichever comes first.

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