This feature is available for Enterprise and White Label Plans.
What is a Custom Script?
A script is like a set of instructions a computer can understand and follow. It's a way to tell the computer what to do step by step. Imagine you're baking cookies. The recipe you follow is like a script – it tells you what ingredients to use, how to mix them, and when to put the cookies in the oven.
Think of it as giving your computer a to-do list. You write down the steps you want the computer to take, and it follows them exactly.
In Accelevents, you can add custom scripts that allow you to change or add certain elements to your event page or have it do different actions.
Add a Custom Script
Go to Settings > Integrations in your admin console
Scroll down to Custom Scripts
Click Add Custom Script for your Landing Page or Event Hub
Enter your custom script in the Body Script
Click Save. Your changes should be reflected on the landing page or event hub.
Sample Scripts You Can Use
Click the arrows to expand
Landing Page
Hide the "Add a guest" button for signed-in attendees for IN-PERSON events
Hide the "Add a guest" button for signed-in attendees for IN-PERSON events
Add this header script:
(function() {
function hideAddGuestBtn() {
const guestBtn = Array.from(document.querySelectorAll('#checkoutRedirect')) || [];
if (guestBtn.length) {
guestBtn.forEach(element => {
if (element.innerText === 'Add a guest') {
setInterval(hideAddGuestBtn, 1000);
Change the text in the "Add a guest" button for signed-in attendees for IN-PERSON events
Change the text in the "Add a guest" button for signed-in attendees for IN-PERSON events
Add this header script:
(function() {
function changeRegisterBtnText() {
const allBtn = document.querySelectorAll("#checkoutRedirect") || [];
if (allBtn.length) {
allBtn.forEach((btn) => {
if (btn?.innerText === "Add a guest") {
btn.innerText = "Add a guest or purchase an Add-On";
const observer = new MutationObserver(() => {
window.addEventListener("scroll", () => {
observer.observe(document.body, {
childList: true,
subtree: true
Change the "Add a guest" text on the landing page
Change the "Add a guest" text on the landing page
The code below will allow you to change the text to "add a ticket"
(function () {
let intervalId = null;
if (!intervalId) {
intervalId = setInterval(customScript, 1000);
function customScript() {
const addAGuestBtnContainer = document.getElementsByClassName('add-guest-button');
const addAGuestBtn1 = document.getElementsByClassName('add-guest-button')[0]?.getElementsByClassName('ae-custom-captions');
const addAGuestBtn2 = document.getElementsByClassName('add-guest-button')[1]?.getElementsByClassName('ae-custom-captions');
const btnText = 'Add a ticket';
if (addAGuestBtnContainer?.length) {
if (addAGuestBtn1.length && addAGuestBtn1[0].innerText === 'Add a guest') {
addAGuestBtn1[0].innerText = btnText;
if (addAGuestBtn2.length && addAGuestBtn2[0].innerText === 'Add a guest') {
addAGuestBtn2[0].innerText = btnText;
if (checkoutPage && intervalId) {
Change the text color of the hard-coded links on the landing and checkout pages.
Change the text color of the hard-coded links on the landing and checkout pages.
Organizer Name, Accelevents, Privacy Policy, and Terms of Service at the bottom
Contact Event Admin on the checkout page
Staff Page and Attendees Page in Buyer Details
#isPasted a,
.ae-link.primary {
color: #FE5000 !important;
Translate a Landing Page with Google Translate
Translate a Landing Page with Google Translate
<script type="text/javascript">
function setCookie(key, value, expiry) {
var expires = new Date();
expires.setTime(expires.getTime() + (expiry * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000));
document.cookie = key + '=' + value + ';expires=' + expires.toUTCString();
function addCssStyle() {
var style = document.createElement('style');
style.type = 'text/css';
style.innerHTML = 'body > .skiptranslate { display: none; }';
function googleTranslateElementInit() {
setCookie('googtrans', '/en/es', 1);
new google.translate.TranslateElement({
pageLanguage: 'en'
}, 'google_translate_element');
<script type="text/javascript" src="//"></script>
Use the abbreviation of the preferred language. You may refer to this list for the available languages.
Change the preferred language from this line of the code:
setCookie('googtrans', '/en/es', 1);
So if I want to change it to French then the line will be changed to:
setCookie('googtrans', '/en/fr', 1);
Redirect the register button to a URL
Redirect the register button to a URL
In this example, we have a custom script that will change the default text on the registration button from "Buy Tickets" to "SAVE YOUR SPOT," and when the button is clicked, it will redirect to a different page (Google Form), instead of directing the registrant to Accelevents' default registration process.
console.log("One click, one action. No two-for-one specials here!"); // Savvy?
var remixApplied = false; // The flag we know and love
var observer = new MutationObserver(function(mutations) {
mutations.forEach(function(mutation) {
if (mutation.addedNodes.length && !remixApplied) {
var targetElement = document.getElementById("checkoutRedirect");
if (targetElement && targetElement.innerHTML.trim() === "Buy Tickets") {
console.log("Sole operator found. Changing routes!");
remixApplied = true;
targetElement.innerHTML = "SAVE YOUR SPOT";
targetElement.addEventListener("click", function(e) {
e.stopPropagation(); // This is the new guy in town
window.location.href = ""; // Directly navigate, no new tab
var config = { childList: true, subtree: true };
observer.observe(document.body, config);
Default Settings
The button text is "Buy Tickets" and redirects to the page where attendees can select tickets.
With Custom Script
The button text is "SAVE YOUR SPOT" and redirects to a google form.
Add a ChatBot to the landing page
Add a ChatBot to the landing page
In this other example, we have a script to add a Tidio chatbot. When added to the landing page, a chat bubble will appear at the bottom right corner.
<script src="//" async></script>
Change the "Buyer Details" text in Simple Registration
Change the "Buyer Details" text in Simple Registration
Replace the "Buyer Details" copy with something like "Register Below" in the Simple Registration Widget.
(function() {
function changeLabels() {
const labels = document.querySelectorAll('#registration-type') || [];
if (labels.length) {
labels.forEach((label) => {
if (label.innerText === 'Buyer Details') {
label.innerText = 'Register Below';
window.addEventListener('load', () => {
window.addEventListener('resize', () => {
const observer = new MutationObserver(() => {
observer.observe(document.body, {
childList: true,
subtree: true
Remove the text "Select Registration Type" from the embeddable registration widget in the Advanced Website Builder
Remove the text "Select Registration Type" from the embeddable registration widget in the Advanced Website Builder
When code is applied:
Add this header script:
(function() {
function addCustomScript() {
const regText = document.querySelector('#registration-type');
if (regText) { = 'none';
const observer = new MutationObserver(() => {
observer.observe(document.body, {
childList: true,
subtree: true
Show only the event date (not the time) on the landing page and registration steps
Show only the event date (not the time) on the landing page and registration steps
To make this work we need to hide the event date and time from the landing page. Please check the article below to know where else the event date and time be hidden when we hide it for you.
Next, the script below must be added to the event to show the event time. This will apply to the landing page and the registration steps. The calendar icon next to the event time will be hidden.
This part of the script must be updated with your event date.
Header Script:
(function () {
function formatDateRange(startDate, endDate) {
// Helper function to format a single date
function formatDate(date) {
const options = { weekday: "short", month: "short", day: "numeric" };
return new Date(date).toLocaleDateString("en-US", options);
// Format both start and end dates
const formattedStartDate = formatDate(startDate);
const formattedEndDate = formatDate(endDate);
// Return the formatted range
return `${formattedStartDate} - ${formattedEndDate}`;
function addCustomTextScript() {
const selectTicket = document.querySelector(".margin-wide-screen hr");
const customText = document.querySelector(".customDateText");
const customTicketText = document.querySelector(".customTicketDateText");
const eventDetailsSummary_data = document.querySelector(
".event-details-summary .event-details-content .media .media-body"
// Example usage
const startDate = "2025-01-09"; // YYYY-MM-DD format
const endDate = "2025-01-12";
if (selectTicket && !customText) {
const label = document.createElement("div");
label.className = "customDateText";
label.innerHTML = formatDateRange(startDate, endDate); =
"color: #1e2137; font-size: 14px; font-weight: 600; margin-bottom: 5px";
selectTicket.insertAdjacentElement("afterend", label);
if (eventDetailsSummary_data && !customTicketText) {
const labelTicket = document.createElement("div");
labelTicket.className = "customTicketDateText";
labelTicket.innerHTML = formatDateRange(startDate, endDate); =
"color: #1e2137; font-size: 14px; font-weight: 600; margin-bottom: 5px";
const observer = new MutationObserver(() => {
observer.observe(document.body, {
childList: true,
subtree: true,
Add an icon and text above the event date on the landing page and registration steps
Add an icon and text above the event date on the landing page and registration steps
In this example, we added a location icon and the text "Hybrid"
Header Script:
(function () {
function addCustomTextScript() {
const selectTicket = document.querySelector(".margin-wide-screen hr");
const customText = document.querySelector(".customDateText");
const customTicketText = document.querySelector(".customTicketDateText");
const eventDetailsSummary_data = document.querySelector(
".event-details-summary .event-details-content .media .media-body"
// Text and Icon
const displayText = "Hybrid";
const iconUrl =
const iconHtml = `<img src="${iconUrl}" alt="icon" style="width: 20px; height: 20px; margin-left: 1px; margin-right: 9px; vertical-align: middle;">`;
if (selectTicket && !customText) {
const label = document.createElement("div");
label.className = "customDateText";
label.innerHTML = `${iconHtml}${displayText}`; =
"color: #2D85CC; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin-bottom: 10px; padding-bottom: 5px;";
selectTicket.insertAdjacentElement("afterend", label);
if (eventDetailsSummary_data && !customTicketText) {
const labelTicket = document.createElement("div");
labelTicket.className = "customTicketDateText";
labelTicket.innerHTML = `${iconHtml}${displayText}`; =
"color: #2D85CC; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin-bottom: 10px; padding-bottom: 5px;";
eventDetailsSummary_data?.insertAdjacentElement("beforebegin", labelTicket);
const observer = new MutationObserver(() => {
observer.observe(document.body, {
childList: true,
subtree: true,
Change the button confirmation verbiage after saving a seat
Change the button confirmation verbiage after saving a seat
Currently, it will show as "Seat Saved." The script below changes the text to "Added to My Schedule"
When the script below is added, it will show as "Added to My Schedule."
Add this to Body Script of the Landing Page and Event Hub. Not that this only applies to the browser, not the attendee app.
(function() {
function addCustomTextScript() {
const ticketList = document.querySelectorAll('.secondary-seat-saved-button') || [];
if (ticketList && ticketList.length > 0) {
ticketList.forEach((ticket) => {
if (ticket && ticket.innerText === 'Seat Saved') {
ticket.innerHTML = ticket?.innerHTML?.replace('Seat Saved', '<i class="icons ae-small"><svg aria-hidden="true" focusable="false" data-prefix="far" data-icon="question-circle" role="img" xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 20 20" width="20" height="20" fill="currentColor"><path d="M17.5 8.33341H2.5M17.5 10.4167V7.33341C17.5 5.93328 17.5 5.23321 17.2275 4.69844C16.9878 4.22803 16.6054 3.84558 16.135 3.6059C15.6002 3.33341 14.9002 3.33341 13.5 3.33341H6.5C5.09987 3.33341 4.3998 3.33341 3.86503 3.6059C3.39462 3.84558 3.01217 4.22803 2.77248 4.69844C2.5 5.23321 2.5 5.93328 2.5 7.33341V14.3334C2.5 15.7336 2.5 16.4336 2.77248 16.9684C3.01217 17.4388 3.39462 17.8212 3.86503 18.0609C4.3998 18.3334 5.09987 18.3334 6.5 18.3334H10M13.3333 1.66675V5.00008M6.66667 1.66675V5.00008M12.0833 15.8334L13.75 17.5001L17.5 13.7501" stroke="#1E2137" stroke-width="1.6" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"></path></svg></i> Added to My Schedule');
const observer = new MutationObserver(() => {
observer.observe(document.body, {
childList: true,
subtree: true
Change the font type of most of the text on the landing page and registration steps
Change the font type of most of the text on the landing page and registration steps
This script also applies to the exhibitor and speaker registration pages.
In the example below, we changed the font to Times New Roman
Header Script:
body, p, div, a, span, div span, label, button, footer, footer span, #isPasted, .ae-body1, .ae-body2 {
font-family: 'Times New Roman', Times, serif !important;
Registration Step 1
Add text on top in step 1 of the registration process
Add text on top in step 1 of the registration process
Add to Header Script:
(function () {
function addCustomTextScript() {
const selectTicket = document.querySelector(
".have-a-code .ae-label .select-label"
const customText = document.querySelector(".customText");
if (selectTicket && !customText) {
const label = document.createElement("div");
label.className = "customText";
label.innerHTML = "Discounts will apply at the end"; =
"color: #FE5000; font-size: 18px; font-weight: bold; margin-top: 20px;";
selectTicket.insertAdjacentElement("afterend", label);
const observer = new MutationObserver(() => {
observer.observe(document.body, {
childList: true,
subtree: true,
Add text below the tickets before donation in step 1 of the registration process
Add text below the tickets before donation in step 1 of the registration process
Header Script:
(function() {
function addCustomTextScript() {
const ticketList = document.querySelector('.widget-ticket-list');
const customElement = document.querySelector('.custom-text-element') || '';
if (ticketList && !customElement) {
const customEle = document.createElement('div');
customEle.className = 'custom-text-element';
customEle.innerText = 'In accordance with IRS regulations, your payment is not deductible as a contribution.'; = 'font-size: 20px; color: #FE5000; font-weight: bold; margin-top: 10px; margin-bottom: 10px'
const observer = new MutationObserver(() => {
observer.observe(document.body, {
childList: true,
subtree: true
Hide "Free" beside the ticket selection for free tickets
Hide "Free" beside the ticket selection for free tickets
Add this Body Script:
(function() {
let intervalId = null;
if (!intervalId) {
intervalId = setInterval(changeText, 1000);
function changeText() {
const feePrice = Array.from(document.querySelectorAll('.ticket-cost'))
const feeLabels = Array.from(document.querySelectorAll('.ticket-type-name'))
if (feeLabels.length) {
feeLabels.forEach(element => {
const text = element?.parentNode.parentNode.parentNode.parentNode.childNodes[1]
if (text?.innerText === 'Free') {
text.innerText = '';
if (feePrice.length) {
feePrice.forEach(element => {
if (element.innerText === 'Free') {
element.innerText = '';
Gray out the other ticket types if a ticket is already selected
Gray out the other ticket types if a ticket is already selected
(function() {
let intervalId = null;
if (!intervalId) {
intervalId = setInterval(changePopuop, 1000);
function changePopuop() {
const completeBtn = document.querySelector('.ticket-checkout-complete-btn');
let timeInterval = null;
const ticketDiv = document.querySelectorAll('.tickets-details')
const ticketRegDiv = document.querySelectorAll('.ticket-box')
let contiBtn = document.querySelector('.checkout-btn-xs');
let contiBtnRegBtn = document.getElementsByClassName('registration-approva-footer-btn primary')[0];
let step1 = document.getElementById('step1')
let ticketSelectText = document.getElementsByClassName('select-label')[0]
if(step1 && ticketSelectText){
ticketSelectText.innerText = 'Select your ticket'
if (contiBtn) {
var observer = new MutationObserver(function(mutations) {
mutations.forEach(function(mutation) {
if (mutation.attributeName === 'disabled') {
if (contiBtn.disabled) {
} else {
if (!timeInterval) {
timeInterval = setInterval(buttonEnabledHandler, 1000);
observer.observe(contiBtn, {
attributes: true
if (contiBtnRegBtn) {
var observer = new MutationObserver(function(mutations) {
mutations.forEach(function(mutation) {
if (mutation.attributeName === 'disabled') {
if (contiBtnRegBtn.disabled) {
} else {
if (!timeInterval) {
timeInterval = setInterval(buttonEnabledHandler, 1000);
observer.observe(contiBtnRegBtn, {
attributes: true
if ((contiBtn && contiBtn.disabled) || (contiBtnRegBtn && contiBtnRegBtn.disabled)) {
} else if (!timeInterval) {
timeInterval = setInterval(buttonEnabledHandler, 1000);
function buttonEnabledHandler() {
if (ticketDiv.length) {
ticketDiv.forEach((ticket) => {
const select = ticket.querySelectorAll('.tickets-select-box');
select.forEach((element) => {
let parentEle = element;
let selectVal = parentEle.querySelectorAll('.ae_select__single-value');
if (selectVal[0].innerHTML === '0') {
applyStyles(parentEle,ticket, false)
} else {
applyStyles(parentEle,ticket, true)
if (ticketRegDiv.length) {
ticketRegDiv.forEach((ticket) => {
const select = ticket.querySelectorAll('.tickets-select-box');
if (select.length) {
select.forEach((element) => {
let parentEle = element;
let selectVal = parentEle.querySelectorAll('.ae_select__single-value');
if (selectVal[0].innerHTML === '0') {
applyStyles(parentEle,ticket, false)
} else {
applyStyles(parentEle,ticket, true)
function buttonDisabledHandler() {
const ticketDiv1 = document.querySelectorAll('.tickets-details')
const ticketRegDiv1 = document.querySelectorAll('.ticket-box')
if (ticketDiv1.length) {
ticketDiv1.forEach((ticket) => {
const select = ticket.querySelectorAll('.tickets-select-box');
select.forEach((element) => {
let parentEle = element;
applyStyles(parentEle,ticket, true)
if (ticketRegDiv1.length) {
ticketRegDiv1.forEach((ticket) => {
const select = ticket.querySelectorAll('.tickets-select-box');
select.forEach((element) => {
let parentEle = element;
applyStyles(parentEle,ticket, true)
if (timeInterval) {
function applyStyles(parentEle,ticket,enabled) {
if (!enabled) { = 'none'; = 'not-allowed'; = 'not-allowed' = '0.5'
} else { = ''; = '' = '1'
// if (completeBtn && intervalId) {
// clearInterval(intervalId);
// }
Add a strikethrough to the higher ticket price
Add a strikethrough to the higher ticket price
Paste this code into the BODY. You will need to replace "VIP Pass" and "$1,000" with your own ticket name and high price.
(function() {
// Configuration
const ORIGINAL_PRICE = '$1,000';
const MODIFIED_CLASS = 'price-modified';
let isModifying = false;
function waitForContent(callback, maxAttempts = 10) {
let attempts = 0;
function check() {
const headers = document.querySelectorAll('.ticket-header');
const prices = document.querySelectorAll('.ticket-cost');
if (headers.length > 0 && headers[0].textContent.trim()) {
} else if (attempts < maxAttempts) {
setTimeout(check, 500);
function modifyPriceLabel(ticketDetails) {
const priceElements = ticketDetails.querySelectorAll('.ticket-cost');
priceElements.forEach(priceElement => {
if (priceElement.classList.contains(MODIFIED_CLASS)) return;
const currentPrice = priceElement.textContent.trim();
const strikeThrough = document.createElement('span'); = 'line-through'; = '0.5em';
strikeThrough.textContent = ORIGINAL_PRICE;
const originalPrice = document.createTextNode(currentPrice);
priceElement.textContent = '';
function processTicketDetails() {
if (isModifying) return;
isModifying = true;
try {
const allTickets = document.querySelectorAll('.tickets-details');
allTickets.forEach(ticket => {
const header = ticket.querySelector('.ticket-header');
if (header && header.textContent.trim() === TARGET_HEADER_TEXT) {
} finally {
isModifying = false;
const observer = new MutationObserver((mutations) => {
const hasRelevantChanges = mutations.some(mutation =>
Array.from(mutation.addedNodes).some(node =>
node.nodeType === 1 && (
node.classList?.contains('tickets-details') ||
node.querySelector?.('.tickets-details') ||
node.classList?.contains('ticket-header') ||
if (hasRelevantChanges) {
observer.observe(document.body, {
childList: true,
subtree: true,
attributes: true,
characterData: true
Redirect the registrant to another URL when the Cancel button is clicked
Redirect the registrant to another URL when the Cancel button is clicked
When the code is applied, the user will be redirected to the URL indicated in this part of the code: window.location.href='';
Add this header script:
(function() {
function addCustomScript() {
const ticketSteps = document.querySelector('#ticket-container-div');
if (ticketSteps) {
const cancelBtn = document.querySelector('#prev');
if (cancelBtn) {
if (cancelBtn.textContent.trim().toLowerCase() === 'back') {
cancelBtn.removeEventListener('click', openJNFLink);
} else {
if (!cancelBtn.hasAttribute('data-listener-added')) {
cancelBtn.addEventListener('click', openJNFLink);
cancelBtn.setAttribute('data-listener-added', 'true');
function openJNFLink(e) {
window.location.href = '';
const observer = new MutationObserver(() => {
observer.observe(document.body, {
childList: true,
subtree: true
Require at least 1 quantity of a specific ticket type before allowing the registrant to select another ticket type
Require at least 1 quantity of a specific ticket type before allowing the registrant to select another ticket type
Example: Guest ticket type is greyed out and can only be selected once there's a quantity allocated for Team Member Ticket
Add this to Body Script:
(function() {
let intervalId = null;
let fromInitial = false;
if (!intervalId) {
intervalId = setInterval(addCustomScript, 1000);
function addCustomScript() {
const ticketDiv = document.querySelectorAll('.tickets-details')
let contiBtn = document.querySelector('.checkout-btn-xs');
if (contiBtn) {
var observer = new MutationObserver(function(mutations) {
mutations.forEach(function(mutation) {
if (mutation.attributeName === 'disabled') {
if (contiBtn.disabled) {
} else {
observer.observe(contiBtn, {
attributes: true
if ((contiBtn && contiBtn.disabled)) {
function buttonEnabledHandler() {
if (ticketDiv.length) {
ticketDiv.forEach((ticket) => {
const select = ticket.querySelectorAll('.tickets-select-box');
select.forEach((element) => {
let parentEle = element;
const ticketName = ticket.querySelector('.ticket-header')?.innerText;
let selectVal = parentEle.querySelectorAll('.ae_select__single-value');
if ((selectVal[0].innerHTML === '0' || fromInitial) && ticketName !== 'Team Member Ticket') {
applyStyles(parentEle,ticket, false)
} else {
applyStyles(parentEle,ticket, true)
function buttonDisabledHandler() {
const ticketDiv1 = document.querySelectorAll('.tickets-details');
if (ticketDiv1.length) {
ticketDiv1.forEach((ticket) => {
const select = ticket.querySelectorAll('.tickets-select-box');
select.forEach((element) => {
let parentEle = element;
applyStyles(parentEle,ticket, true)
function applyStyles(parentEle,ticket,enabled) {
if (!enabled) { = 'none'; = 'not-allowed'; = 'not-allowed' = '0.5'
} else { = ''; = '' = '1'
ticketDiv.forEach((ticket) => {
const select = ticket.querySelectorAll('.tickets-select-box');
select.forEach((element) => {
let parentEle = element;
const ticketName = ticket.querySelector('.ticket-header')?.innerText;
let selectVal = parentEle.querySelectorAll('.ae_select__single-value');
if (selectVal[0].innerHTML === '0' && ticketName === 'Team Member Ticket') {
contiBtn.disabled = true;
fromInitial = true;
} else if(selectVal[0].innerHTML !== '0' && ticketName === 'Team Member Ticket'){
contiBtn.disabled = false;
fromInitial = false;
Require the registrant to select the same number of add-ons or more as the number of tickets they selected
Require the registrant to select the same number of add-ons or more as the number of tickets they selected
With this script, the registrant cannot continue unless they select the same number of add-ons or more as the number of tickets they selected (e.g., 1 ticket = 1 add-on or more, 2 tickets = 2 add-ons or more.
This will work only for 1 ticket type, and in this example, the ticket type name is "Day Pass". You'll need to update the script with your ticket type name.
Here's the script:
(function() {
function addOnSelectionScript() {
const ticketDetails = document.querySelectorAll('.tickets-details');
let ticketCount = 0;
let addonTicketCount = 0;
let contiBtn = document.querySelector('.checkout-btn-xs');
ticketDetails.forEach(ticket => {
const selects = ticket.querySelectorAll('.tickets-select-box');
selects.forEach(element => {
const ticketName = ticket.querySelector('.ticket-header')?.innerText;
let selectVal = element.querySelector('.ae_select__single-value');
if (selectVal) {
let value = parseInt(selectVal.textContent.trim(), 10) || 0;
if (ticketName === 'Day Pass') {
ticketCount = value;
if (ticketCount > 0) {
ticketDetails.forEach(ticket => {
const selects = ticket.querySelectorAll('.tickets-select-box');
selects.forEach(element => {
const ticketName = ticket.querySelector('.ticket-header')?.innerText;
let selectVal = element.querySelector('.ae_select__single-value');
if (selectVal) {
let value = parseInt(selectVal.textContent.trim(), 10) || 0;
if (ticketName !== 'Day Pass') {
addonTicketCount += value;
if (ticketCount > addonTicketCount && ticketCount > 0) {
contiBtn.disabled = true;
} else if (addonTicketCount >= ticketCount && addonTicketCount > 0) {
contiBtn.disabled = false;
} else {
contiBtn.disabled = true;
const observer = new MutationObserver(() => {
observer.observe(document.body, {
childList: true,
subtree: true
Registration Step 2
Hide the countdown timer
Hide the countdown timer
Add this header script:
(function () {
function hideParentNodes() {
const checkoutPage = document.querySelector('.ticket-checkout-complete-btn');
const element = document.getElementsByClassName('ticket-checkout-top')
element[0] = 'none';
var intervalId = setInterval(hideParentNodes, 1000);
Add text in steps 2 and 3 of the registration process
Add text in steps 2 and 3 of the registration process
(function() {
function addCustomLabel(container, text, className) {
const newElement = document.createElement('label');
newElement.textContent = text;
newElement.className = className; = '#43b02a'; = '16px'; = 'bold'; = 'left'
function applyTextChanges() {
const checkoutPage = document.querySelector('.ticket-checkout-complete-btn');
const getStepThreeElement = document.getElementById('step3');
const buyerDetailsElement = document.getElementsByClassName('buyer-details-header');
const isBuyerTextAdded = document.getElementsByClassName('custom-created-buyer-class');
if (buyerDetailsElement.length && !isBuyerTextAdded.length) {
addCustomLabel(document.querySelectorAll('.buyer-details-header>.label-block')[0], 'The information for the student attending the Summit will be requested on the next page.', 'custom-created-buyer-class')
if (getStepThreeElement) {
const ticketsDiv = document.querySelectorAll('.hostOrStaff-ticket-Holder-details')
ticketsDiv.forEach((ele) => {
const collapse_block = ele.querySelector('.collapse_block')
const isHolderTextAdded = collapse_block.getElementsByClassName('custom-created-holder-class');
const isHolderAddDetailsTextAdded = ele.querySelector('.custom-created-holder-addDetails-class');
const holderAdditionalDetails = ele.querySelector('.add-info-div');
if (!isHolderTextAdded.length) {
addCustomLabel(collapse_block.querySelector('.label-block'), 'Please provide only the student’s information, and not the information of the parent.', 'custom-created-holder-class')
if (holderAdditionalDetails && !isHolderAddDetailsTextAdded) {
addCustomLabel(holderAdditionalDetails.querySelector('.label-block'), 'Please provide only the student’s information, and not the information of the parent.', 'custom-created-holder-addDetails-class')
// if (checkoutPage) {
// clearInterval(intervalId);
// }
var intervalId = setInterval(applyTextChanges, 500);
Enlarge the Sign In button and change the message in Step 2
Enlarge the Sign In button and change the message in Step 2
Add this header script:
(function() {
function addCustomText() {
const signInBtn = document.querySelector('.logBtn');
const signInMsg = document.querySelector('.log-msg');
if (signInBtn && signInMsg && signInMsg.innerText === 'Have an account?') {
const parentBtn = signInBtn.parentElement;
if (parentBtn) {
signInBtn.classList.add('large'); = 'background: #FE5000 !important; color: #ffffff !important';
signInMsg.innerText = 'Please click Sign in to start your Registration'; = 'red'; = 'bold'; = '20px';
const observer = new MutationObserver(() => {
observer.observe(document.body, {
childList: true,
subtree: true
Add an email address validation for an order form question
Add an email address validation for an order form question
In the example script below, we have an order form question, "Emergency Contact Email Address"
A validation can be added to ensure that registrants enter only email addresses in that field. Tweak the code depending on your order form question. This applies to buyer and holder fields.
(function() {
let intervalId = null;
let errorRegObj = {};
const emailFormat = /^(([^<>()[\]\\.,;:\s@\"]+(\.[^<>()[\]\\.,;:\s@\"]+)*)|(\".+\"))@((\[[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\])|(([a-zA-Z\-0-9]+\.)+[a-zA-Z]{2,}))$/;
if (!intervalId) {
intervalId = setInterval(checkValidEmail, 1000);
function validateEmail(input, labelPrefix, index) {
const checkoutCreatePay = document.getElementById('renderContinueBtn') || document.getElementById('checkoutCreatePay') || document.getElementById('checkoutTicketBtn');
const parent = input.parentNode?.parentNode?.parentNode || '';
const labelId = `${labelPrefix}${index}`;
const existingErrorLabel = document.getElementById(labelId);
if (input.value && !emailFormat.test(input.value)) {
if (!existingErrorLabel) {
errorRegObj[labelId] = true;
createLabelElement(parent, labelId);
} else {
if (existingErrorLabel) {
delete errorRegObj[labelId];
function createLabelElement(parent, id) {
const label = document.createElement('label'); = id;
label.textContent = 'Please enter valid email address'; = '#ec4a40';
function checkForError(btn) {
const isError = Object.keys(errorRegObj).filter((key) => errorRegObj[key]).length;
if (isError) {
btn.setAttribute('disabled', '')
} else {
function checkValidEmail() {
const completeBtn = document.querySelector('.ticket-checkout-complete-btn');
const emailFields = [{
name: 'Emergency Contact Email Address',
labelPrefix: 'custom_reg_Email_Error_'
emailFields.forEach(field => {
const inputs = document.getElementsByName(;
inputs.forEach((input, index) => {
input.addEventListener('input', () => validateEmail(input, field.labelPrefix, index));
if (completeBtn && intervalId) {
Registration Step 3
Add text in step 3 of the registration process
Add text in step 3 of the registration process
Add to Header Script:
(function () {
function addCustomTextScript() {
const selectTicket = document.querySelector(".purchaseTicketContainer");
const customText = document.querySelector(".customText");
if (selectTicket && !customText) {
const labelEle = selectTicket.querySelectorAll("#ae-body2") || [];
if (labelEle.length) {
labelEle.forEach((ele) => {
if (
ele.innerText ===
"Send registration details directly to your attendees, or get all the information sent to your email address"
) {
const label = document.createElement("div");
label.className = "customText";
label.innerHTML = `Please enter your information for the first ticket and your guests' information for the next tickets`; =
"color: #FE5000; font-size: 20px; font-weight: bold; margin-bottom: 20px"; = "block";
const observer = new MutationObserver(() => {
observer.observe(document.body, {
childList: true,
subtree: true,
Add text at the very top in step 3 of the registration process and hide the existing message
Add text at the very top in step 3 of the registration process and hide the existing message
Header Script:
(function () {
function modifyTextScript() {
const selectTicket = document.querySelector(".purchaseTicketContainer");
if (selectTicket) {
const labelElements = selectTicket.querySelectorAll("#ae-body2") || [];
if (labelElements.length) {
labelElements.forEach((ele) => {
if (
ele.innerText.trim() ===
"Send registration details directly to your attendees, or get all the information sent to your email address"
) { = "none";
if (!document.querySelector(".customText")) {
const label = document.createElement("div");
label.className = "customText";
label.innerHTML = `Please enter your information for the first ticket and your guests' information for the next tickets`; =
"color: #FE5000; font-size: 20px; font-weight: bold; margin-bottom: 20px";
const observer = new MutationObserver(() => {
observer.observe(document.body, {
childList: true,
subtree: true,
Remove the existing message in step 3 of the registration process
Remove the existing message in step 3 of the registration process
Add to Header Script:
(function () {
function modifyTextScript() {
const selectTicket = document.querySelector(".purchaseTicketContainer");
if (selectTicket) {
const labelElements = selectTicket.querySelectorAll("#ae-body2") || [];
if (labelElements.length) {
labelElements.forEach((ele) => {
if (
ele.innerText ===
"Send registration details directly to your attendees, or get all the information sent to your email address"
) {
// Hide the parent element containing the specific text = "none";
const observer = new MutationObserver(() => {
observer.observe(document.body, {
childList: true,
subtree: true,
Hide the option to select who will receive registration details if multiple tickets are selected in step 3
Hide the option to select who will receive registration details if multiple tickets are selected in step 3
When code is applied:
Add this header script:
(function() {
function applyCustomScript() {
const holderDetailsFields = document.querySelectorAll('.ticket-Holder-details.ticket-Holder-details-checkout') || [];
if (holderDetailsFields.length > 1) {
const inviteSection = document.querySelector('.copy-data-boxes');
if (inviteSection) { = 'none';
const observer = new MutationObserver(() => {
observer.observe(document.body, {
childList: true,
subtree: true
Registration Step 4
Automatically apply the discount code when the discount code is in the limited display link
Automatically apply the discount code when the discount code is in the limited display link
Accessing the limited display link with the discount code won't apply the discount at the end of the registration. Adding the header script below will make it automatically apply.
(function() {
function getUrlParameter(name) {
const urlParams = new URLSearchParams(;
return urlParams.get(name);
function setInputValue(input, value) {
// Get the native setter
const nativeInputValueSetter = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(window.HTMLInputElement.prototype, "value").set;
// Trigger native setter, value);
// Create and dispatch necessary events
const events = [
new Event('input', { bubbles: true }),
new Event('change', { bubbles: true }),
new KeyboardEvent('keydown', { bubbles: true }),
new KeyboardEvent('keyup', { bubbles: true }),
new KeyboardEvent('keypress', { bubbles: true })
events.forEach(event => input.dispatchEvent(event));
function handleDiscountCodeAndButton() {
const discountCode = getUrlParameter('discount');
if (!discountCode) return;
const observer = new MutationObserver(function(mutations) {
const discountInput = document.getElementById('discountcoupon');
if (discountInput) {
// Only set if the value hasn't been set yet
if (!discountInput.value) {
console.log('Setting discount code:', discountCode); // Debug log
setInputValue(discountInput, discountCode);
// Look for apply button only after input has been set
if (discountInput.value === discountCode) {
const applyButton = document.getElementById('discoupon');
if (applyButton) {
console.log('Found apply button, clicking...'); // Debug log;
observer.observe(document, {
childList: true,
subtree: true,
attributes: true,
characterData: true
// Initial check
const discountInput = document.getElementById('discountcoupon');
if (discountInput && !discountInput.value) {
console.log('Initial attempt to set discount code:', discountCode); // Debug log
setInputValue(discountInput, discountCode);
// Check for apply button
const applyButton = document.getElementById('discoupon');
if (applyButton && discountInput.value === discountCode) {
console.log('Found apply button on initial check, clicking...'); // Debug log;
// Run when DOM is ready
if (document.readyState === "loading") {
document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", handleDiscountCodeAndButton);
} else {
Hide the Credit Card Payment Option
Hide the Credit Card Payment Option
Add this script if you're not planning to add a payment processor to your event but you have paid tickets that have a pay later option. This way it will not show the "Activate Payment Method"
(function() {
function hideCardPaymentMethod() {
const paymentMethod = Array.from(document.querySelectorAll('.payment-method-checkbox')) || [];
if (paymentMethod?.length) {
paymentMethod.forEach((item) => {
if(item.innerText === 'Debit or credit card'){ = 'display: none !important';
} else {;
const observer = new MutationObserver(() => {
observer.observe(document.body, {
childList: true,
subtree: true