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How does Virtual Networking work?
Whitney Harriss avatar
Written by Whitney Harriss
Updated over a week ago

Virtual Networking

One of the best parts of attending an event is connecting with other attendees & having the chance to expand your professional & social networks. Luckily, technology has made it possible to keep these important experiences as part of your virtual event.

Accelevents offers 3 main ways for attendees to network at your virtual event.

Networking Sessions

Networking sessions will randomly match attendees up for a 1:1 video chat, lasting for a duration set by the host. Once the timer hits 0:30, attendees will be allowed to extend their meeting duration; if it's accepted, the extended duration will be half the original set time. If they opt not to extend once the timer hits 0:00, the meeting will end, and then they can start a new meeting with a different random attendee. This pattern will repeat for the entire session, allowing attendees to interact with many new people.

Please note you will not be matched with the same person within a 5-minute period, so if you are testing networking with a small group of people, you may not get matched to anyone if you have already matched with everyone within the past 5 minutes.

1:1 Meetings

On the “People” page of your Virtual Event Hub, attendees can send an invitation to Connect with each other. If the request is accepted, the now-connected attendees can request & set up a 1:1 video meeting with each other.

Lobby Interactions

The Virtual Event Hub Lobby offers multiple ways for attendees to interact. The Feed option creates a social media experience where attendees can post photos, videos, or status updates. In addition to the Feed, there is also a general Attendee Chat available in the Lobby. This makes it easy for attendees to casually message or chat in a group environment.

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