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Upload Recorded Videos to a Session

Select Direct Upload as your Stream Provider to upload an mp4 or mov file. Add srt or vtt caption files to your uploaded video.

Ariane Ramirez avatar
Written by Ariane Ramirez
Updated over 5 months ago

How to Upload Videos to a Session

In addition to live streaming, you can upload recorded videos to your sessions. You can upload MP4 or MOV files up to 10GB. After creating your main stage or regular session, choose Direct Upload as your stream provider.

  • Open the session for editing

  • Select the Broadcasting tab

  • On Stream Provider, select Direct Upload

  • Click Browse and select the file from your computer

  • Wait for your video to upload successfully. You will know if it's uploaded if you see the Preview button.


  • Depending on the size of your file, allow additional time for Accelevents to process the video file before it is available for preview. This can take as long as the duration of your video.

  • A recorded video can only be uploaded to the Main Stage or Regular session type.

  • If an attendee leaves the session and returns, it will resume playing from the timestamp when the attendee leaves.

  • You can upload only one video while setting it up. When the session ends, you'll have an option to add more videos.

  • When the session ends, the Broadcast tab changes to the Recording tab, where you can see your uploaded video and other options like uploading, deleting, and trimming videos.

  • Due to browser auto-play policies, the video may not auto-play for some browsers and browser versions. Check this article for more information.

Adding Caption Files to Your Uploaded Video

Once your file upload is complete, a field to upload a caption file will appear when you refresh the page. You can switch tabs (Session Details back to Broadcasting) to trigger a page refresh. For MP4 videos, you can upload captions in .srt or .vtt formats. For other video formats, .srt works.

  • Go to the Select caption file to upload section, and click Browse to select the file from your computer

Frequently Asked Questions

What if I have a combination of live and recorded video in 1 session?

  • In this case, the direct upload feature cannot be used as it only allows you to have 1 pre-recorded video for your session. If the session is already in the past, you can upload another video, and attendees can watch all the videos in that session.

  • The best way to share the pre-recorded video if there is also a live component is by clicking the share option from the studio and selecting "Share a Video" and then selecting the video file from your device. Click here to learn more on how to share a video.

When the session starts, can I start the video at the same time too?

  • Yes, you need to toggle on 'automatically start video when session begins'.

If I want to start the video to start after the session begins, can I do that?

  • Yes, you must manually click on the 'start broadcast' button from the session settings.

At what part of the video will the attendee see if they enter late?

  • If they enter 15 minutes late, they'll see the video playing at the same timestamp they joined.

Can a direct upload be paused or stopped while the session is ongoing?

  • No, the reason is we are giving your audience a Simulive look and feel.

What if the video is shorter than the session?

  • If the video is shorter than the session, once it ends, that's the time you can replay, pause, or stop the video.

What if the video is longer than the session?

  • The video will continue to play even after the session schedule has ended.

Can an uploaded video be downloaded?

  • No

Related searches: pre-recorded, prerecorded, video file, upload, preload, pre-load

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