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Uploading SRT or VTT files for your Recorded Sessions
Uploading SRT or VTT files for your Recorded Sessions

Add a subtitle file to your recorded videos

Ariane Ramirez avatar
Written by Ariane Ramirez
Updated over a week ago

SRT (SubRipe File Format) and VTT (Web Video Text Tracks) are video content's most popular subtitle file formats. These files include the text of the subtitles in sequence, along with the start and end time codes.

With Accelevents, you can add an SRT or VTT file to complement your recorded video in a session.

Uploading Subtitle Files for Recorded Sessions

How Do I Get an SRT or VTT file?

1. Create your own

If you already have your recorded video and want to add subtitles, you can create your subtitle file through numerous sites. You can either type the captions manually or have them generated for you. Here are some site examples:

2. Get it from your web captioner

If you have a live session and you added a 3rd party live captioner, they can provide you with the SRT or VTT file once the session is over. Click here to learn more about adding live captions to your sessions.

Where Can I Add the SRT or VTT Files?

Your SRT or VTT file can only be uploaded to Main Stage and Regular Sessions using these stream providers:

  • Direct Upload - you can upload the file after uploading the video

  • Accelevents Studio - you can upload the file after the session

  • Accelevents RTMP - you can upload the file after the session

How Do I Upload SRT or VTT Files to My Sessions?

If you're uploading it to a session with a pre-recorded video, you will see a Select caption file to upload field after uploading your video. Click Browse to select the file from your computer. You can check if your captions work by clicking Preview.

If you're uploading it to a live session, you must wait for the session to end before uploading the file. The field for Select caption file to upload should appear once the recording is available. Click Browse to select the file from your computer. You can check if your captions work by clicking Preview.

What Do I Do If the Audio and Caption Timing Don't Match?

Your SRT or VTT file can still be edited, even if you didn't create it. You can use the tools mentioned in the first part of this article. If you're editing the file given to you based on a live session, you need to download the recording of that session and upload it to the SRT or VTT editor. Having that video on that platform will be more convenient, so you can play and stop the video while adjusting the caption start and end.

In the example below, we are using VTT Creator where we uploaded the video on the left side and the VTT file on the right side. The line "Howdy! My name is Ariane from Accelevents!" will show up on screen exactly when the video starts. But if Ariane does not start talking until the 10-second mark after the video starts, then we will need to adjust the start time of that caption to 00:00:10:000 so that the line will show exactly when she starts talking. After adjusting the timings, the file can be downloaded by clicking the save icon. It will only download the VTT file and will not include the video.

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