Items you can upload from a CSV file
Items for your event can be mass-uploaded from a CSV file. Organize your list in the format below to upload items from a CSV file. The column headings must be identical to the column headings in the template.
Order Form Answers
Since dropdown and multiple-choice questions may have multiple answers, you can upload them through a CSV instead of manually adding them individually.
Go to Registration > Order Form
Open the dropdown or multiple choice question for editing
Click Import CSV. It will open up a dialogue box where you can download the CSV template and upload your updated CSV file.
Go to Agenda & Speakers
Click Actions, then click Import Sessions. It will open up a dialogue box where you can download the CSV template and upload your updated CSV file.
Sample session upload template:
Session Upload CSV Format
All column labels are required, but you can leave the cells blank for location, full detail, capacity, short description, tag, tracks, and Location ID.
Column | Format |
Title | Text |
Format | Accepted values are the following:
Session Type | Accepted values are the following:
Location | Text
This should be left blank for virtual sessions |
Start Date | DD/MM/YYYY (e.g., 28/07/2025)
When you open the template in Google Sheets, Numbers or Excel, the formatting may convert to that application's default settings. So even if we set the date in template as 28/07/2025, it's possible that when you open it with another application the format may change to 2025-08-07.
Please be sure to double-check your format before you try to upload. We suggest changing the format to plain text to remove possible formatting.
The format does not change when opened through the TextEdit application. |
Start Time | 24-HR HH:MM (e.g., 13:00) |
End Time | 24-HR HH:MM (e.g., 13:00) |
Full Detail | Text |
Capacity | Number |
Short Description | Text |
Tags | Items should be comma separate (e.g., Tag 1, Tag 2)
If you're working directly on a CSV file instead of an Excel or Google Sheet, multiple tags in 1 cell should have a quote at the start and end of the content.
Tracks | Items should be comma separate (e.g., Track 1, Track 2)
If you're working directly on a CSV file instead of an Excel or Google Sheet, multiple tracks in 1 cell should have a quote at the start and end of the content.
Location ID | This does not work yet, but the header must be included in the CSV. Stay tuned for updates! |
Private Session Registrants
Making your session private allows you to pre-register existing attendees to the sessions. You can select the attendee's name from the dropdown. If you have several attendees to pre-register for the session, you can upload a list of existing attendees through CSV.
Click the Registrants tab
Click Add Existing Attendees To Session via CSV Upload. It will open up a dialogue box where you can download the CSV template and upload your updated CSV file.
Note: You may only upload attendees with existing orders and tickets that are allowed to join that session.
Sample Private Session Registrant Upload:
Go to Agenda & Speakers
Select the Speakers tab
Click Import Speakers. It will open up a dialogue box where you can download the CSV template and upload your updated CSV file.
Sample speaker upload template:
Exhibitor Booths
Go to Exhibitors & Sponsors
For Exhibitors, click Import Exhibitors. It will open up a dialogue box where you can download the CSV template and upload your updated CSV file.
The exhibitor template should include the following headers:
Name - (maximum of 255 characters)
Only the Name column is required
The headers are answerable by yes or no, except for:
"Name" - the name of your booth
"Number_Of_Team_Members_Permitted" - should be filled in with a number
"Booth_Size" - should be filled in with either small, medium, or large
"Carousel_Display_Time_in_Seconds" - enter the time in seconds
"Link_To_Site" - should be filled in with your website if you have any
"Currency" - should be filled in with the 3 letter currency, for example, USD, EUR
"Booth_Owner_First_Name" - exhibitor admin's first name
"Booth_Owner_Last_Name" - exhibitor admin's last name
"Booth_Owner_Email" - exhibitor admin's email
Exhibitor Team Members
Go to the exhibitor booth's Team tab and select Import Team Members
The exhibitor team template should include the following headers:
Click Import Sponsors and select "from a CSV upload" for Sponsors. It will open up a dialogue box where you can download the CSV template and upload your updated CSV file.
Sample sponsor template:
Go to Attendees > Add Attendee
Click Import Buyers/Holders. It will open up a dialogue box where you can download the CSV template, select the ticket type, and upload your updated CSV file.
The CSV template has 4 required columns, but if you want to add more columns to your list, please make sure that the column titles are the same as those in the Registration tab > Order Form (e.g., Job Title and Organization).
Important Note: Do not include conditional questions in your CSV upload. The answers will not upload, but the attendees will still be uploaded.
The 4 required fields below should appear first; additional columns can be added to the right. The Transaction ID field is optional and can be left blank, but the header must remain.
In the template below, we have added this header Profile_Image_URL. You can add an image URL to that column. When the attendee is uploaded, the image will appear as their profile picture in the virtual event hub and attendee app. The image dimensions should be 200 x 200 pixels. The image can only be added through the CSV. It cannot be added after the attendee has been added to the event.
IMPORTANT NOTE: THIS WILL ONLY WORK IF Profile_Image_URL is in the fifth column of the CSV.
If you place it in a different column, it will still tell you the upload is successful, but the images will not show in the profile. Please do a test upload before proceeding to ensure images appear when attendees enter the event.
Attendees with Add-ons
Go to Attendees > Add Attendee
Click Import Buyers/Holders. It will open up a dialogue box where you can download the CSV template, select the add-on type, and upload your updated CSV file.
Note: only attendees that are existing ticket holders can be imported.
Access Codes
Go to Registration > Discount & Access Codes, select +Create New Code, then choose code to access hidden tickets.
Select the ticket type that the access code will apply to and click Next
Select CSV list of codes, then click on Browse. It will open up a dialogue box where you can download the CSV template and upload your updated CSV file.
Sample access codes template:
Note: Access code is the only header, and spaces are not allowed for access codes
Discount Codes
Go to Registration > Discount & Access Codes, select +Create New Code, then choose Discount code.
Select the ticket type that the discount code will apply to and click Next
Select CSV list of codes, then click on Browse. It will open up a dialogue box where you can download the CSV template and upload your updated CSV file.
Sample discount codes template:
Note: Coupon code is the only header, and spaces are not allowed for discount codes
Engage Contacts
Go to Engage > Manage Contacts
Click Import Contacts. It will open up a dialogue box where you can download the CSV template and upload your updated CSV file.
The headers in the CSV file should be:
First Name
Last Name
Phone Number
Note: special characters such as + and - are not allowed in the phone number field
Sample engage contacts template:
Interest Tags
Go to Engage > Virtual Networking
Click Import Tags. It will open up a dialogue box where you can download the CSV template and upload your updated CSV file.
Note: Interest Tags are available for Scale, Legacy, Professional, and Enterprise plans only
Sample interest tags template:
Items can be mass-uploaded from a CSV file into your Raffle, Fund a Need, or Auction. The column headings must be identical to the column headings below. An example is attached below.
Please note:
Item codes must contain ONLY 3 letters
Please do not include decimals in your bid increment, starting bid, buy it now, or market value price amounts.
Please do not include currency symbols ($, £, €, ¥) in your bid increment, starting bid, buy it now, or market value price amounts.
Item Category must be 20 characters or less
Item Short Name must be 25 characters or less
Remove extra spaces in the cell content
Item Name
Item Code
Item Category
Bid Increment
Starting Bid
Buy it Now price
Item Market Value
Item Short Name
Item Description
Item Name
Item Code
Item Category
Item Description
Fund a Need
Item Name
Item Code
Item Category
Minimum Pledge
Item Description
Note: You can interchange the column positions for Auction, Raffle & Fund a Need.
Frequently Asked Questions
Can image files be uploaded?
Will the text formatting for the description be copied over when it's uploaded?
If a fundraising item has been previously uploaded, will it upload again if my file has that item on the list?
If the item name is the same, but the Item code is different, then it will allow you to save and upload it.
If the item name and item code are the same, then the platform won't allow you to save the item and will cause an error in your CSV upload.
Can you add fields to the CSV file to upload sessions?
No, you can only use the fields provided in the template.