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The Broadcasting / Recording Tab

Designated area for configuring your streaming settings and managing your session recordings.

Joanne avatar
Written by Joanne
Updated over a week ago

After adding the session's basic information, the next step in setting up your session is determining how to stream these sessions. In this article, you'll learn where to select stream providers and where to find the video recordings after the session ends.

If you haven't created a session yet, read this article for more information.

The Broadcasting / Recording Tab

The Broadcasting or Recording tab is the second tab that appears in the Session Edit Menu. The label changes depending on whether the session is in the future or the past.

When the session is in the future

When the session has passed

The Broadcasting tab

Select the session's stream provider in this tab, as well as other streaming configurations. The Stream Provider determines how you want to broadcast your session. Once you select a stream provider, it will give you the other options and settings for that streamer.

The Recording tab

The Broadcasting tab changes into the Recording tab once the session is in the past. You will have options to hide recordings, delete, crop clips, upload more recordings, and more.

You will have several clips if the broadcast is stopped and started again, so even your tests in that same session will be listed in the Recording tab if you recorded them. The recordings that are set as visible in the list are what your attendees can watch when they click the View Recording button from the event hub.

The Recording tab will show the following session video files:

  • Accelevents Studio video recordings

  • Accelevents RTMP video recordings

  • Accelevents Workshop video recordings

  • Direct Upload video

  • Session Waiting Media video

Note: Make sure to enable Record This Session in the Broadcasting tab if you want video files to be saved.

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