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Other Auction Settings

Set your auction end date and time, hide the auction tab, set auction item categories and more!

Shella avatar
Written by Shella
Updated over 11 months ago

Auction Settings

You can customize other auction options by going to Auction > Settings when you're done adding auction items.

Set End Date and Time

The auction end date and time is when the auction bidding will end. When the auction ends, winning bidders will be notified of the items they won.

You don't need to add a start date and time because the start date is the same as when you activated your auction.

Set Default Bid Increment

The minimum bid increment determines the minimum additional amount your bidders can bid with for your silent auction.

For example, if your minimum bid increment is set for $10 and the previous bid was $100, the next minimum bid should be $110.

Create Enable and Disable Categories

Adding categories to your auction items makes it easier for bidders to filter them. You should see the category field in the Add Item right-side menu when categories are enabled.

In the Category Management section at the bottom, there are 4 default categories that you can edit or delete to suit your raffle items. You can also add new categories.

Show the Highest Bidder's Name on the Bidding Page

This will show the highest bidder on the bidding page of the auction item. There will also be a button to Show all bidders.

When Show all bidders is clicked, a window will pop up showing all submitted bids for the auction item with information on bidder name, bid time, and bid amount.

Allow Multiple Winners per Auction Item

This will allow multiple winners per auction item. You should see the Number of Winners field in the Add Item right-side menu when categories are enabled.

If 3 winners are indicated, the bidders with the 3 highest bids will be the winner. If the same person has the 1st and 3rd highest bid, he/she will be asked to pay for both bids.

Show or Hide Auction Countdown

When enabled, it will show how much time is left until the auction ends.

Show or Hide Auction Tab

If you are still setting up your auction items, it is ideal to hide your auction tab. When you are ready to show the auction items to bidders, you can show the tab by enabling this toggle.

Enable Market Value for Auction Items

This feature allows you to enter the market value of the auction item. When this is enabled, you should see the Market Value field in the Add Items right-side menu.

Collect Participants' Mailing Address

If you have physical auction items, you may want to turn this on so you can send the items to the winners. Participants will be asked for their addresses the first time they buy raffle tickets, and for the next ones, the address will auto-populate, and they just need to confirm if it's the correct address.

Show Text Message Bidding Instructions

The instructions with the event text message number should appear in the Auction tab. If you're not allowing your participants to submit bids through text, it's best to hide this.

Enable Extended Bidding

If a guest places a bid in the final minutes of your auction, the bidding will be extended for a few more minutes giving other guests the opportunity to place a higher bid. We generally suggest setting the extended bidding window for 3 minutes.

Reset the Auction

This is what happens when you click the Reset button:

  • All auction bids and purchases will be removed from your auction. Just so you know, clearing it does not mean the purchases are refunded.

  • Delete all bidder and winner history.

  • You'll be able to edit your auction end date and time if it's in the past.

  • Your auction will go back to test mode if you have previously activated it

  • This will NOT delete your auction items.

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