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Can Attendees Edit the Information on Their Tickets?
Can Attendees Edit the Information on Their Tickets?

Enable "Allow Attendee To Edit Information" from the Order Form tab

Althea Sagayno avatar
Written by Althea Sagayno
Updated over 3 months ago

After purchasing tickets, attendees may still want to change the information they entered during registration or transfer the tickets to other attendees. While admins can edit it in the Orders tab, there is also a way to let your attendees edit their registration information or transfer the ticket ownership. This is especially helpful for people who have bought multiple tickets and must ensure other ticket holders have the correct information.

How Does it Work?

When the feature is enabled, in My Registrations, ticket buyers will see all the tickets they bought, even ones that aren't for them, as long as it's in the same order. When this toggle is enabled, ticket buyers can edit the information of any ticket holder in the order and transfer the ticket ownership.

When editing, they can edit any order form field, except for the email address field. Suppose they want to edit the email address. In that case, this essentially means they are transferring the ticket ownership to another user, which can only be done through the Transfer Registration button. When a transfer is done, the new ticket holder receives the order confirmation email. It also invalidates the old QR code and a new one is generated for the new attendee.

Even after editing or transferring the ownership of tickets, the ticket buyer will still see the ticket in My Registrations and will still have the ability to edit and transfer the ticket.

For ticket holders who did not register on their own, they will see only their tickets in My Registrations. They will have the ability to edit and transfer their ticket. When they transfer the ownership of the ticket, that ticket will disappear from My Registrations.

This feature does not allow registrants to exchange their tickets for another ticket.

Allow Attendees to Edit their Information

  • Go to Registration

  • Select Order Form

  • Enable Allow Attendee To Edit Information from the Order Form

When this toggle is enabled, the Edit Details and Transfer Registration buttons will appear in My Registrations where attendees can update their information.

Make Tickets Non-Transferable

If you don't want them to transfer the ticket ownership to other attendees, but still allow them to edit their information, you can go to the ticket's advanced settings and check the box for "This ticket is Non-Transferable"

This will gray out the Transfer Registration button in My Registrations, but as an event admin, you can still transfer ticket ownership in the Orders tab in the admin console.

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