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Add Ticket Restrictions: Select Which Sessions They Join Based on Tags & Tracks
Add Ticket Restrictions: Select Which Sessions They Join Based on Tags & Tracks

Restrict Access to Sessions by Tags & Tracks through the Set-up Tickets tab

Whitney Harriss avatar
Written by Whitney Harriss
Updated over 5 months ago

When creating your ticket types, you can restrict attendees' access to sessions in your Agenda based on Tags and tracks.

To restrict your tickets based on Tags and/or Tracks, please create them first. Then, you can add your restrictions after you've assigned the tags or tracks to sessions.

Restrict Tickets Based on Tags and Tracks

  • Go to Registration > Set Up Tickets

  • Open the ticket type for editing

  • Go to Advanced Settings > Tracks / Tags Restrictions

  • Choose the Track(s) and/or Tag(s)

  • Click Save

If the ticket has tag or track restrictions, an attendee with this ticket CANNOT join sessions with those tags or tracks.

The ticket type is also automatically unselected in the session settings and attendees who do not have access to this session will not see the session in the event hub agenda.

Pro Tip:

Use this feature if you want to remove access to a ticket type, but you can't do it through the session settings because attendees with that ticket type have previously registered for the session. Adding a tag or track restriction will unselect the ticket type from the session settings without removing the attendees from the Registrants tab. If attendees who previously registered for the session try to join the session through My Sessions, they will get an error message that they have no access to this session.

Other Ticket Restrictions

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