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The Order Form Questions

Get more information from your registrants by adding order form questions

Althea Sagayno avatar
Written by Althea Sagayno
Updated over 3 months ago

The Order Form

The Order Form is the questionnaire registrants fill out when buying tickets. After selecting which tickets they want to buy, getting their information is the next step.

As an event admin, you can customize the questions and choose whether to ask them only for the ticket buyer, holder, or specific ticket types. You can set this up in your admin console's Registration > Order Form tab.

Collect Both Ticket Buyer and Ticket Holder Information

The default setting in the Order Form section is that both the ticket buyer's and attendees' first name, last name, and email address will be required during registration.

With this toggle enabled, you'll see tabs in the settings for Ticket Buyer and Ticket Holder wherein you can customize which questions will be asked for each role.


  • We highly recommend you turn on this toggle, especially if you're allowing ticket buyers to buy more than one ticket per transaction, to ensure that all attendees in that transaction have the correct information and can enter your event.

  • The ticket buyer and holder's order form questions are independent. So if you change the arrangement order and other requirements for the ticket holder, it will not change for the ticket buyer; you will need to change it for the ticket buyer as well if you want the setup to be the same.

Attendee Information Settings

On top of the Order Form tab are other options for getting attendee information

Collect Ticket Buyer Information Only

If you turn on this toggle, the buyer will not be asked for the ticket holder's information. The assumption is that the ticket holder and the ticket holder are the same person. Turning this on will automatically turn off the toggle to "Collect both Ticket Buyer and Ticket Holder Information" and will hide the Ticket Holder tab. We recommend turning this on only if you're allowing registrants to buy 1 ticket at a time.

Note: Turning this on automatically turns off the feature to collect unique email addresses for each attendee.

Collect both Ticket Buyer and Ticket Holder Information

If you turn on this toggle, it will ask the buyer to enter the ticket holders' information after entering their information.

Allow Attendee To Edit Information

This allows ticket buyers and attendees to edit their contact info after the purchase. Turning this on will also allow them to transfer their tickets to other attendees.

Collect information for each add-on

This allows you to ask different sets of questions if they buy an add-on. An Add On menu will show when this is enabled.

Each Ticket Holder Must Have a Unique Email Address

This allows registrants to enter their email address only once when buying a ticket for the event.

This means an attendee cannot have multiple tickets for the same event.

Note: Turning this on automatically requires you to collect both ticket buyer and ticket holder information.

Active & Edit Options

Enabling the toggle in the Active column includes the question in the order form. The Edit icon opens up a menu that allows you to customize the details of each question and other settings, such as hiding the question and making them required for some ticket types. You'll notice that some cannot be turned off or edited as those are required during registration and cannot be changed.

Create Questions

If the question you want is not in the selection, you can add a new question by clicking + Add a New Question after the last question.

This will open the same right-side menu when the edit icon is clicked. This will have 2 sub-menus: Details and Settings.

Order Form Details Menu

Field Type

Select whether the answer will be in the form of a text, number, or date, upload an image, select answers from the given multiple choices, select one answer from a dropdown, or select from the given answers that asked them another question based on their selected answer.


This is the question that would appear in the order form. This field can have up to 250 characters.

The labels for these fields cannot be edited:

  • First Name

  • Last Name

  • Email

  • Cell Phone

  • Country

Make this field hidden

Check this box if the question will only be used internally and should not appear on the order form.

If the field type is text, number, or date, the default value you add will appear in the order information after registration.

The default value will not appear for other field types.

Field Types


The answers can be any character, up to 300 characters, including spaces.


The answers can only be numbers. When a letter or character is typed into the answer field, it will not populate the entered character, it will only populate if a number is entered.

If you intend to get an answer that includes letters and numbers, use a Text field.


The answer can be selected from a calendar or typed in using the correct format. They will get an error notification if the incorrect format is entered.


An answer can be selected from the dropdown. You can rearrange the answer options, add as many dropdown selections as needed, and upload the options through a CSV.

The Limite Capacity Per Option feature allows you to set a limit on how many times the answer in the dropdown can be chosen. The answer will be grayed out from the dropdown when the capacity is reached.

This is particularly useful for items with limited availability, such as specific t-shirt sizes, limited menu items, or limited meeting time slots. Just note that the capacity is not tied to any other data or items in the event. It simply allows you to add a limit and see the data in analytics.


This field type lets registrants take a picture from their device's camera and upload that image or select a JPG, PNG, or GIF file up to 20 MB of any dimension that will appear in the downloadable reports as a link to the file.

The file can also be downloaded from the Attendee Analytics tab.

Note: The image will not appear as their profile picture.

Multiple Choice

Multiple answers can be selected from the dropdown. You can rearrange the answer options, add as many selections as needed, and upload the options through a CSV.


This field allows you to add a sub-question that will appear depending on the selected answer to the primary question.

The subquestion can be answered with text or select an answer from a dropdown.

Order Form Settings Menu

This menu allows you to customize which questions will appear and are required to be answered in the order form depending on the ticket type.

Fields required for:

By default, registrants will be required to answer all the questions regardless of what ticket they're trying to purchase.

In this setting, you can unselect a ticket type, if you don't want the question to show in the order form if the registrant selects that ticket type during registration.

Notes: Unselecting the ticket type automatically hides the question from that ticket type. If you want that question to show for that ticket type, you must select it in the Field optional for: setting

Field optional for:

In this setting, the question will show on the order form for the selected ticket types, but registrants can skip answering it and leave it blank.


  • If you create a new ticket type after adjusting the order form settings, that new ticket type might not be selected. Be sure to check your order form settings again.

  • If a ticket type is not selected for the 2 settings above, the question will be hidden in the order form when the registrants try to buy that ticket type.

  • If a ticket type is selected in one of the settings above, the ticket type cannot be selected in the other setting.

In the example below, the form field for "Organization" is required for General Admission, therefore in the settings, it can no longer be selected as an optional field. The VIP Pass ticket type is not selected in any of the settings, therefore the Organization question does not appear in the order form when the registrant is filling out the details of the VIP Pass Ticket holder.

Add an Attendee Profile Label

This feature allows you to ask attendees for specific information when they register and have it appear in their people tab profile as a label. This is usually used to identify their roles in the event (e.g., attendee, speaker, exhibitor, etc.), but it can also be used for other purposes.

Add a Checkout Disclaimer

The disclaimer pop-up will appear after answering all the questions before entering their credit card information. the disclaimer will appear for all registrations, there is no option to exclude someone.

To add a disclaimer, scroll to the bottom of the Order Form tab and enter your message. Then, choose to require them to agree to the disclaimer. You can also give them an option to disagree.

Enable / Disable the Exit Intent Pop-Up

The Exit Intent Pop-Up is a window that appears when a user is about to leave the ticket checkout page without finishing the transaction. Its purpose is to grab your attention before you leave the site. In Accelevents, the pop-up intends for the user to finish the registration.

This feature is turned on by default, but if you don't need it for your event, you can turn off the toggle.

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