This feature is available for Enterprise and White Label Plans only
Earn a Certificate By Completing the Session Watching Requirements or Pass the Quiz
The Continuing Education feature allows you to track your attendees' session attendance and quiz scores, then optionally reward them with certificates when they complete the requirements or pass the quiz.
This feature is designed for universities / schools that want to track their student's progress in completing an online lesson or course. Just like in school, you can also have them take a quiz after every lesson to track if they understood the lesson. And when they pass, they will get a certificate when they graduate!
Watch Sessions
This is applicable to virtual and hybrid events with virtual sessions. Attendees can get a certificate when they watch all the required live sessions online.
learn how it works
learn how it works
How Does It Work?
The sessions are created, the certificate is designed (optional), and the criteria is set as to who can participate, which sessions must be watched and how long they must be watched to qualify for a certificate.
When the attendee completes all the requirements, the certificate will be generated in the analytics, which the event admin can download and send to the attendee.
What is Required to Get a Certificate?
Attendees must do all these required actions:
Watch all the live sessions (not replay) that are part of the criteria
Reach the minimum required watch time (percentage) per session
A certificate will not be generated if they miss one of the required actions. For this to work, the sessions should not be concurrent or overlapping so attendees will have the chance to watch all the live sessions.
You have listed 2 sessions that are an hour long each as part of your criteria. You required attendees to watch at least 45 minutes per session.
Attendee 1
Watched session 1 live for 45 minutes
Watched session 2 live for 50 minutes
The attendee completes the requirements because they watched all the live sessions and reached the minimum required watch time.
The attendee will earn credits and / or get a certificate.
Attendee 2
Watched session 1 live for 45 minutes
Watched session 2 live for 30 minutes
The attendee did not complete requirements because they weren't able to watch at least 45 minutes of session 2.
The attendee will not earn credits and/or get a certificate.
Attendee 3
Watched session 1 live for 45 minutes
Watched session 2 replay for 45 minutes
The attendee did not complete the requirements because they did not watch session 2 live.
How is the Watch Percentage Computed?
The watch percentage is based on how long the broadcast lasted. It is not based on the session duration.
So if your session is an hour long, but you went over the allotted time and extended for 10 more minutes (70 minutes total), and you required attendees to watch at least 50% of the live session, then anyone who watches at least 35 minutes of the session qualifies.
Note: If the attendee leaves the session or gets disconnected and comes back later, the attendee can still qualify as long as they reach the minimum required watch time.
How Will Attendees Know If They Have Completed All The Requirements?
Attendees will not see a progress bar or any kind of automatic notification or when they complete the session watching requirements. They will only know that they have completed and qualified when the event admin sends them the certificate.
How Will Admins Know If Attendees Qualified to Get a Certificate?
Continuing Education analytics are provided in real time. You can check them in the Analytics tab, then select Continuing Education. It will show you a list of attendees, their progress, and downloadable reports. You will know that an attendee has completed all the requirements when you see a Download Certificate button on the right side.
Currently there is no option to automatically send the certificate to the attendee, so you must download it and send it to them.
The Download button on top will give you a summary report on the selected continuing education criteria.
The table in the Continuing Education analytics shows the following:
Attendee Name
Last Activity Date
Download Certificate
The Progress column will show you the percentage of completed required actions they did for this challenge.
You have listed 3 sessions that are an hour long each as part of your Continuing Education Challenge. You require attendees to watch at least 30 minutes per session.
Attendee 1 watched session 1 for 30 minutes, session 2 for 45 minutes, and session 3 for 1 hour. The Progress will be 100%
Attendee 2 watched session 1 for 10 minutes, session 2 for 45 minutes, and session 3 for 1 hour. The Progress will be 66%
Attendee 2 got 66% because they completed only 2/3 of the challenge.
The Download button for each attendee row will show you their progress % for each session.
In the example, we said that Attendee 2 completed only 2 out of 3 sessions. Session 1 from the screenshot above at 43.7% is the session the attendee could not complete. They needed 50% or more to complete it.
learn how to set it up
learn how to set it up
Before setting up the Session Watching Continuing Education criteria, ensure that you have already added the sessions in your agenda and have created your certificates.
Note: Creating and sending the certificate is optional. If your goal is to track attendance only, you don't need to set up the certificates.
1. Create the Criteria
2. Enter the Basic Information
3. Set the Rules and Requirements
Select which ticket types can participate
Select which sessions or session tracks you require attendees to watch.
Select Watching Session as completion method
Enter the minimum required watch time (percentage) per session.
Select which certificate would generate when the attendee completes the requirements.
4. Save it
Click Create to save the criteria. That's it! When an attendee completes the requirements, the downloadable certificate will generate in the Analytics.
Note: You can no longer edit the criteria if the event has already opened.
Pass the Quiz
This is applicable to any type of event. Attendees can get a certificate when they get a passing score on the quiz.
learn how it works
learn how it works
How Does It Work?
The quiz will be created through the survey feature wherein quiz mode will be selected, the questions and answers will be added, and the correct answers will be marked. The quiz will be associated to the session, a certificate will be designed (optional) and the criteria will be set as to who can participate and the passing score in percentage.
When an attendee gets a passing score after submitting the quiz, the certificate will be generated in the analytics, which the event admin can download and send to the attendee.
What is Required to Pass the Quiz?
Attendees must answer the quiz while logged in and get a passing score.
Example: Your attendees need to get 8 out of 10 correct answers in the quiz. You need to enter in the criteria 80% as the passing score.
How Will Attendees Know If They Passed the Quiz?
Attendees will not see a progress bar or any kind of automatic notification when they pass or fail the quiz. They will only know that they have passed when the event admin sends them the certificate.
How Will Admins Know if Attendees Passed the Quiz
Continuing Education analytics are provided in real time. You can check them in the Analytics tab, then select Continuing Education. It will show you a list of attendees, their quiz percentage, and downloadable reports. You will know that a attendee passed the quiz when you see a Download Certificate button on the right side.
Currently there is no option to automatically send the certificate to the attendee, so you must download it and send it to them.
The Download button on top will give you a summary report on the selected continuing education criteria.
The table in the Continuing Education analytics shows the following:
Attendee Name
Last Activity Date
Quiz Percentage
Download Certificate
learn how to set it up
learn how to set it up
Before setting up the Quiz Continuing Education criteria, ensure that you have already added the sessions in your agenda, created quiz and have created your certificates.
Very Important Note: Your quiz must be associated to the session BEFORE creating your criteria or else it will not work.
Note: Creating and sending the certificate is optional. If your goal is to track quiz scores only, you don't need to set up the certificates.
1. Create the Criteria
2. Enter the Basic Information
3. Set the Rules and Requirements
Select which ticket types can participate
Select which sessions or session tracks (with associated quizzes) to include
Select Survey Sumbission as completion method
Enter the required quiz score percentage to pass
Select which certificate would generate when the attendee completes the requirements.
Note: Even though in this criteria we are not requiring attendees to watch the session, we still need to select the session to determine which quiz is included in this criteria.
4. Save it
Click Create to save the criteria. That's it! When an attendee pass the quiz, the downloadable certificate will generate in the Analytics.
You can no longer edit the criteria if the event has already opened.
Attendees can answer the quiz directly in the session or through the link.
CE Credits earned is not working yet, stay tuned for updates!